Search Results for 'marijuana'

Political Quick Hits

Filed in National by on February 10, 2010 7 Comments
Political Quick Hits

We got everything here, from the classy Michelle Obama, to the equally unclassy Sarah Palin, to favorable poll results for the repeal of DADT, and signs that the repeal will be reality shortly, to Chris Matthews being frightened, to putting the Teabaggin goodness into polling context.

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Post Your Legislative Wish List Here!

Filed in National by on January 11, 2010 43 Comments

Tomorrow, the Delaware Legislature goes back into session in Dover. Two things seem a good bet — getting a budget this year when there are still revenue shortfalls is going to be brutal and the legislature will continue their dysfunctional behavior to get to that budget. We keep hearing about detailed reviews of state agencies to look for efficiencies or even eliminations. I’m definitely expecting to see that in some detail this year. And I fully expect that repubs will stamp their feet over it all while offering nothing to fix the budget problems.

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2009 Election Results: Mixed Night For Teabaggers

Filed in National by on November 4, 2009 56 Comments

Here’s yesterday’s election results, as they stand right now: VA-Gov Bob McDonnell (R) 59% Creigh Deeds (D) 41% 99% counted A big win for Republicans in VA-Gov. This result was no surprise, Deeds was a crappy candidate. His problem was that he tried to run against President Obama, at one point even saying he would […]

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Serious QOtD

Filed in National by on October 10, 2009 19 Comments

I was chatting with my daughter this morning.  I can’t exactly recall what started the conversation but my daughter started talking about a friend of hers and the familial issues going on.  The mom and dad are fighting big time.  The father is using drugs.  They have a 7 year old son that has Asperger’s […]

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Read All About It in the Sunday Papers-Labor Day Weekend Edition

Filed in International, National by on September 6, 2009 10 Comments

LEAD STORY-The (UK) Observer: Former Brazilian PM Urges End to ‘Disaster’,  AKA “The War On Drugs” Seriously, does ANYone ANYwhere on the political spectrum agree that this unmitigated disaster makes sense? The human toll in many of the countries in Latin America and South America has been incalculable: “After decades of overflights, interdictions, spraying and raids […]

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Read All About It In the Sunday Papers-Aug. 23 Edition

Filed in International, National by on August 23, 2009 21 Comments

LEAD STORY-Miami Herald: How Cyberthief Committed ‘Heist of the Century’ Nobody does crime reporting like the Miami Herald does crime reporting. Albert Gonzalez stole to his heart’s content, while on the Secret Service payroll.  What happens when snitches go terriblyterribly wrong: On May 7, 2008, federal agents swept through Miami-Dade looking for evidence that one […]

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Holy Bleep! Swearing Helps to Reduce Pain

Filed in Science and Health by on July 13, 2009 3 Comments

It’s scientifically proven! Somewhere, right now, Donviti is worshipping at the Altar of Science. Dr. Richard Stephens and his research team at Keele University have discovered that: …volunteers who cursed at will could endure pain nearly 50% longer than civil-tongued peers. They believe swearing helps us downplay being hurt in favour of a more pain-tolerant […]

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Around the Horn

Filed in National by on June 6, 2009 10 Comments

The Death of Happy Harry’s. Kavips wants a boycott. Brian Shields and DP’s new contributor ThatsElbert defend Walgreens and their bottom line. Matthews reports on the Walgreens PR campaign in response to the outrage. Steve Newton defends Walgreens by unloading on Governor Markell. His new favorite phrase to use against me and the Governor is […]

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The Times They Are A Changin’

Filed in National by on April 6, 2009 51 Comments

I expect to see gay marriage and marijuana legalized in my lifetime.  (I really liked typing that sentence.) I’ve been feeling this way for quite some time, and, luckily for me, Nate Silver does the math. Nate on gay marriage: Unsurprisingly, there is a very strong correspondence between the religiosity of a state and its […]

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My Question to the Governor: Sports Betting

Filed in Delaware by on April 1, 2009 27 Comments

Yesterday at the blogger meeting with Governor Markell I asked him to justify the plan to implement sports betting with one of his stated restrictions.  Markell opened the meeting with a message that included a desire to not do long-term damage to get a quick fix to our problems.  Bringing sports gambling to Delaware seems […]

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Read All About It in the Sunday Papers-March 22 Edition

Filed in National by on March 22, 2009 5 Comments

LEAD STORY: Philadelphia Inquirer: HOW THE FEDS GOT FUMO. Somebody’s got to say it. There is not a newspaper in the country doing better investigative work than the Philadelphia Inquirer. Today’s ‘howtheydunit’ is a definitive analysis of how the best the Federal government has working for them can take down even the most powerful lowlife. […]

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59% of Americans Want National Health Insurance

Filed in National by on February 17, 2009 33 Comments

From a recent CBS/NYT poll: HEALTH INSURANCE: PRIVATE ENTERPRISE VS. GOVERNMENT? CBS/NYT Now CBS/NYT 1/1979 Private enterprise 32% 48% Government – all problems 49 28 Government – emergencies 10 12 Don’t know 9 12 Are Democrats listening? This represents a 37% swing in opinion on an item that Americans routinely put at the top of […]

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God Bless Sex Ed & God Bless Duncan Black

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 2, 2008 8 Comments

This would have been shocking news back in the days befor Bush (and Mike Castle) fucked every little thing up. Nobody Could Have Predicted… And on and on… ORLANDO, Fla. — A recent survey that found some Florida teens believe drinking a cap of bleach will prevent HIV and a shot of Mountain Dew will […]

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