Search Results for 'marijuana'

I am the eyes and ears of this institution

Filed in National by on March 18, 2008 1 Comment

You think I’m some sort of serf, peasant, peon? A 45-year-old elementary school custodian was arrested after police found several pounds of marijuana and Vicodin pills in his Chevrolet Blazer parked in the Richardson Park Elementary School lot, state police said Monday.

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duuuuude, Canada is so awesome!

Filed in National by on February 14, 2008 3 Comments

The smoke filling it up can no longer be deemed a reason for arrest in Canada: “The smell alone can’t constitute the grounds because the smell of burnt marijuana – as opposed to raw marijuana – gives an inference that the material is gone, it’s dissipated into the atmosphere. So how can you say you’re […]

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Finally our Farmers are getting what they deserve

Filed in National by on September 28, 2007 4 Comments

I wont lie and tell you that farmers get a raw deal in this country.  Heck in this state for that matter (which I guess is part of the country, but I wanted to try and make this a sort of delaware post for a change, but it wont be so awww screw it)  These […]

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Around the Horn Friday: Return of the Geek Edition

Filed in Uncategorized by on August 3, 2007 25 Comments

Big shout out to Jason for covering for me a few times in the past few weeks. I wish I could say I was on vacation, but rather I was working my ass off. I probably won’t be around this weekend either, as I am headin’ down to the Virgin Festival for some sweet sounds. […]

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Reefer Blindness is creating more Terrorists

Filed in Uncategorized by on July 17, 2007 18 Comments

yep, you read that right Reefer Blindness…Those words were uttered by none other than John P. Walters, President Bush’s drug czar, “Don’t buy drugs. They fund violence and terror,” he said. Meanwhile yesterday Dr Drew of MTV fame, was in Rayburn House Office Building. (in DC) and he had this to say: marijuana “is certainly […]

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