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DL Open Thread Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on April 10, 2024 1 Comment

The day after Trump pretended he’d let the states make their own decisions about abortion, the Arizona Supreme Court gave away the game by reinstating an 1864 ban on the procedure, notable because Arizona wasn’t even a state back then. The result: Republicans rushed to pretend they had nothing to do with it. The White […]

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‘State’s Rights’ On Abortion Comes Home To Roost In Arizona

Filed in Featured, National by on April 9, 2024 2 Comments

I think you can cross Arizona off your list of competitive states for November.  Check this out from the NY Times: Arizona’s highest court on Tuesday upheld an 1864 law that bans nearly all abortions, a decision that could have far-reaching consequences for women’s health care and election-year politics in a critical battleground state. The […]

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Song of the Day 4/9: Clarence “Frogman” Henry, “Ain’t Got No Home”

Filed in National by on April 9, 2024 4 Comments

You don’t have to check, puck. Singer and pianist Clarence “Frogman” Henry died Sunday in his native New Orleans, age 87. His ability to sing in a frog’s croak, a skill he said he developed to scare the girls at school, gave him both his nickname and his most enduring hit. Henry was just 18 […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Filed in International, National, Open Thread by on April 9, 2024 2 Comments

The news, apparently spooked by yesterday’s eclipse, went into hiding, so the media, as always, fell back on Trump. After a big buildup teasing his position on abortion – can you name another candidate who, eight years after entering the White House, still hadn’t formulated one? – only to chicken out and say the decision […]

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Song of the Day 4/8: Pink Floyd, “Eclipse”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on April 8, 2024 0 Comments

C’mon, what else would you expect? The final track from the LP that has spent more than 1,000 weeks on the Billboard album chart, with sales of more than 45 million. For those who’ve never used the record as an alternate soundtrack to “The Wizard of Oz,” the heartbeat fade-out plays just as the Tin […]

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DL Open Thread Monday, April 8, 2024

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on April 8, 2024 3 Comments

Klaatu barada nikto, motherfuckers. Welcome to the Day the News Stood Still. Whatever else is happening in the country has taken a back seat to this afternoon’s total eclipse. In Delaware, 80-90% of the sun’s disc will be obscured, matching the amount of other news being overlooked because of the event. One story squeaked through: […]

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Song of the Day 4/7: Len, “Steal My Sunshine”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on April 7, 2024 0 Comments

Showing you can make up doomsday theories about anything, TikTokers and other assorted nuts – looking at you, Alex Jones – have concocted a witches’ brew of crackpot claims about “elites” conducting “Masonic rituals” when the sun disappears. Oooh, sounds scary, kids! Len is a Canadian brother and sister who record with various guest artists. […]

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Delaware Political Weekly: March 29-April 4, 2024

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 7, 2024 15 Comments

1. BHL AWOL. SOL?  She’s apparently trying to still raise money.  But, she’s been missing campaign events, including a Suxco Candidates’ Forum.   She also missed a recent event in the Ardens.  Both Meyer and O’Mara attended, as did a host of other candidates.  I think she’s in the death rattle phase of her campaign.  The […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, April 7, 2024

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on April 7, 2024 2 Comments

A little detail from yesterday’s campaigning.  I arrive at this self-contained community. It’s gusty.  One of those oversized balloon things, an ‘I Love You’ balloon in the shape of a heart with golden plastic ‘legs’, blows down some lawns, crosses the street, and winds up in some shrubbery behind a massive Delaware Tire Center complex. […]

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Song of the Day 4/6: Bill Haley and His Comets, “Shake, Rattle and Roll”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on April 6, 2024 0 Comments

The battle outside is ragin’, but that’s not what shook your windows and rattled your walls yesterday. It was a 4.8-magnitude earthquake centered in northern New Jersey. It came just six and a half years after the big Dover shaker of 2017, clear evidence that we’re living in the end times. Though 1955 is often […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, April 6, 2024

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on April 6, 2024 0 Comments

When Is A Bond Not A Bond?  When it’s not valid in the State of New York.  Watch the video: The video explains the details behind NY AG Letitia James’ objections to the $175 million bond that TFG filed against the $454 million judgment in the tax fraud case. Turns out the company that posted […]

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Bob Marshall: An Appreciation

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on April 5, 2024 7 Comments

When I went to work for the Delaware State Senate in 1985, all I knew about Bob Marshall was what I had been told–he was the nephew of Wilmington City Democratic Boss Leo Marshall, and that he had benefited from that relationship.  Our paths hadn’t crossed during my first two years in the House and […]

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Song of the Day 4/5: MGMT, “Kids”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on April 5, 2024 0 Comments

Are the misogynistic people behind the forced-birth movement really so oblivious to popular opinion that they think they can put the birth-control toothpaste back in the tube? Do they really think their irresponsible moron-bro base will be in favor of impregnating the women they use sexually? Apparently so. If history is any guide, those new […]

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