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DL Open Thread Monday, October 9, 2023

Filed in National, Open Thread by on October 9, 2023 5 Comments

Do House Republicans hand out Speaker of the House bonus points for being a kiddie diddler? Dennis Hastert, former high school wrestling coach, served in the office. Now America’s drooling class wants to put Jim Jordan in the job, and while nobody has implicated him in the actual molestation that took place while he was […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, October 8, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 8, 2023 1 Comment

Rep. Cole:  Deals That McCarthy Cut With RWNJ’s ‘No Longer Operative’.  Revenge of the (all things are relative) moderates?: With Kevin McCarthy out as speaker, House Rules Chair Tom Cole says Republicans are free to step back from the deep appropriations cuts dictated by McCarthy’s backroom deal with the far right last June. “This agreement […]

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DL Open Thread: Saturday, October 7, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 7, 2023 21 Comments

Wag The Dog: Netanyahu Proclaims ‘We Are At War’.  Only question is, how many Palestinians will be killed by American weapons?: Israel and Gaza were at war on Saturday after Palestinian militants launched an early morning assault on southern Israel that had few precedents in its complexity and scale, invading several Israeli towns and firing […]

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Song of the Day 10/7: Fred Neil, “Dolphins”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on October 7, 2023 1 Comment

Guest post by Nathan Arizona Fred Neil wrote a sad, beautiful and enduring song called “The Dolphins” as a Greenwich Village folk singer in the mid-1960s. “I’ve been searching for the dolphins in the sea,” he sang plaintively. He doesn’t find them. Neil, who suffered from stage fright, soon dropped out of the music business […]

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Song of the Day 10/6: The Sex Pistols, “Pretty Vacant”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on October 6, 2023 2 Comments

They would never admit it, even to themselves, but the Freedom Caucus apparently is in favor of anarchy in the U.S. House, which makes the Sex Pistols the perfect soundtrack for their exercise in nihilism. According to original bassist Glen Matlock, who wrote the song, “‘Pretty Vacant’ is a primal scream kind of thing: We […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, October 6, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 6, 2023 5 Comments

Almost Penniless Rethugs, Part 1.  Mike Lindell: Almost Penniless Rethugs, Part 2. Rudy Giuliani: Sadness. Trump & Jim Jordan: Perfect Together: There was only one way the chaos in the Republican-led House – likened Thursday by one of its members to a “stupid clown car” – could get more extreme. Enter Donald Trump. The ex-president […]

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Song of the Day 10/5: The Kinks, “Situation Vacant”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on October 5, 2023 0 Comments

With a tip o’ the sombrero to El Som. Yoohoo, anybody home? House Republicans are demonstrating that maybe men do too think about the Roman Empire too much, and no that good comes of it. One online reviewer called this tune “a classic Ray Davies character piece in which ambition leads to misery.” That sounds […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, October 5, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on October 5, 2023 5 Comments

Quick tip of the ‘Bulo Sombrero to the anonymous tipster who clued me into the Purzycki/Carney hand-off.  We can all see how orchestrated this two-step was.  By Buccini/Pollin and the Chamber, the entities that run the city.  Keep those tips coming! Guess Who’s Been Pulling The Strings From A Capitol Hill Basement.  And tell me […]

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Song of the Day 10/4: Buffalo Springfield, “On the Way Home”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on October 4, 2023 5 Comments

Buffalo Springfield had broken up by the time their third and final album, “Last Time Around,” was released in 1968. The LP was assembled from previously recorded material to fulfill the band’s contract commitment. Neil Young’s “On the Way Home” was one of the earliest, recorded in late 1967, after the return of Young, who […]

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Delaware (Occasional) Political Weekly: Early October, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 4, 2023 27 Comments

Don’t know if there’s anything more to be said about L’Affaire Bethany Hall-/Dana Long at this time, other than that Al’s speculation that the remaining insiders are trying to find a way to cover it up rings true to me.  Oh, and that the troubles may date at least all the way back to her […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2023

Filed in National, Open Thread by on October 4, 2023 11 Comments

Chris Coons must be having the mother of all sads today. After Kave-in McCarthy was ousted as House speaker, a GOP member of the bipartisan Problem Solvers Caucus told CNN that Republicans in the group are considering quitting en masse because none of its Democratic members voted to retain him. Republicans apparently can’t conceive of […]

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BREAKING: McCarthy Loses Speakership

Filed in Featured, National by on October 3, 2023 2 Comments

216-210. 8 R’s voted to remove McCarthy, no D’s voted for McCarthy. Circular firing squad.  Rethugs are livid at the renegades.  But, hey, McCarthy cut the deal that made this inevitable.

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Song of the Day 10/3: The Ramones, “Why Is It Always This Way?”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on October 3, 2023 0 Comments

Elon Musk’s fascist leanings are obvious at this point, and Russian state TV put a fine point on it yesterday by bragging that “Elon Musk really is our agent.” That got me thinking about “Rocket to Russia,” the Ramones’ third album. Unfortunately for the band that essentially invented punk rock, it came out just as […]

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