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Song of the Day 9/18: Joe South, “Games People Play”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on September 18, 2023 0 Comments

It’s hard to tell nowadays, but pop psychology wasn’t always with us. The book that brought it to the masses was published in 1964 by psychiatrist Eric Berne, who noticed that a lot of the interpersonal problems his patients described fit certain patterns. From that, he developed what he called transactional analysis. Berne trained as […]

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DL Open Thread Monday September 18 2023

Filed in National by on September 18, 2023 6 Comments

Person, woman, man, camera, TV In Gaffe-filled Speech, Trump Issues Bold And Unusual Warning, Says Biden’s Re-Election Could Lead to ‘World War II’ In his most recent speech, former U.S. President Donald Trump caused a stir with his contentious remarks, The Independent reported. He suggested that President Joe Biden could plunge the nation into “World War II” if re-elected and […]

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Song of the Day 9/17: Jewel Akens, “The Birds and the Bees”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on September 17, 2023 0 Comments

A little heavy petting music for Lauren Boebert, along with a suggestion that next time she get a room. Jewel Akens sang with a number of doo-wop groups in the ’50s and early ’60s, but he had his only Top 40 hit with his 1964 release “The Birds and the Bees,” which reached No. 3 […]

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New polling shows Eugene Young’s run for Congress is a big waste of political capital as Sarah McBride opens a more than twenty point lead.  I hate being right about  this stuff all the time.

Filed in National by on September 17, 2023 83 Comments

  Sarah McBride Holds Commanding Lead in Historic Run for Delaware At-Large Congressional Seat WASHINGTON—Today, a new poll by Change Research of Delaware’s At-Large Congressional race shows State Sen. Sarah McBride with a commanding lead, nearly doubling the support of her closest opponent. McBride made history in 2020 as the first openly transgender state senator in the […]

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DL Open Thread Sunday, Sept. 17, 2023

Filed in National by on September 17, 2023 5 Comments

Josh Marshall makes the hard-to-argue-with case that the Republican reaction to their politically disastrous SCOTUS victory on abortion proves they don’t give a flying fuck about babies. Like that was ever in doubt. Lauren “36-Year-Old Grandma” Boebert giving a handjob in a theater isn’t the only sign that Republicans are lying about their belief in […]

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Last Week’s Poll Results & This Week’s Poll

Filed in National by on September 16, 2023 1 Comment

So what term should MAGATs use to replace the played out and very unpopular “Pro-Life”? I liked “Pro-Freedom Fetus” as the new goto terminology for MAGAT zealots.  But this being a democracy, I was outvoted.  The very accurate “Pro-Forced Birth” and “Pro-Women who have sex outside of marriage are sluts and deserve a life of […]

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DEGOP Comes Out of the Pro-Vladimir Putin, Pro-War Crime Closet

Filed in National by on September 16, 2023 9 Comments
DEGOP Comes Out of the Pro-Vladimir Putin, Pro-War Crime Closet

It has been pretty clear that the DEGOP was on the Putin/Trump side when it came to supporting Putin’s war crimes against the people of Ukraine.  Now they’ve come out of the closet and are making it official policy.   Delaware Republican Party  Billions to Ukraine? Millions to Delaware? To add onto the $76 BILLION of […]

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Old Time Democrat, Joe Biden, Sides With UAW Strikers Over Profiteers

Filed in National by on September 16, 2023 3 Comments

Coons must be hopping mad about all this “communism” coming from the White House. US President Joe Biden delivered televised remarks on the US auto workers strikes from the White House President Joe Biden sided with striking US auto workers Friday, saying they had not been given a fair cut of record profits at the […]

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Trump Happy to Work for Putin & Putin Happy To Have Trump Working for Him

Filed in National by on September 16, 2023 0 Comments
Trump Happy to Work for Putin & Putin Happy To Have Trump Working for Him

Trump says he’s pleased by Putin’s praise: ‘I like that he said that’ Russian President Vladimir Putin recently said he was “happy” to hear Trump’s promise to “resolve all burning issues within several days” — including the war in Ukraine. Former President Donald Trump said Thursday that he appreciated recent praise from Russian leader Vladimir […]

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Song of the Day 9/15: Arthur Conley, “Sweet Soul Music”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on September 15, 2023 1 Comment

If you can listen to this song without getting excited, you might want to find a nurse to check you for a pulse. Arthur Conley’s was one of the most enigmatic stories in soul music. He was only 21 in 1967 and had released one single when he was discovered by Otis Redding, who signed […]

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DL Open Thread: Friday, September 15, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 15, 2023 5 Comments

UAW Goes On Strike Against Detroit’s ‘Big Three’.  BTW, ‘Stellantis’ (a combination of ‘Stella!’ and ‘Atlantis’?) is the nom du jour of what used to be Chrysler.  How did this fact escape me?  The UAW members deserve our support: Never before has the United Auto Workers union carried out a simultaneous work stoppage at all […]

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Here is a Highlands Bunker for Democrats Who Think Someone Other Than Biden Should Be the Party’s Nominee

Filed in National by on September 15, 2023 16 Comments
Here is a Highlands Bunker for Democrats Who Think Someone Other Than Biden Should Be the Party’s Nominee

I haven’t listened yet but I will and then I’ll return to the comments to rate it on my patented scale of 1 to 5 Bags of Money from Republican Billionaire Funders. E260 – A Spiritual Statement (w/Marianne Williamson) Listen on Patreon   Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson joins Rob in the virtual bunker to […]

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DOJ to Hunter Biden: No 2nd amendment rights for you!

Filed in National by on September 14, 2023 10 Comments

Federal prosecutors have indicted Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, on gun charges, court documents show. Biden was indicted Thursday in Delaware federal court on three counts tied to the possession of a gun while using narcotics. Two counts are tied to Biden allegedly completing a form indicating he was not using illegal drugs […]

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