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Democrats must do “X” or else Republicans will get angry

Filed in National by on September 14, 2023 2 Comments

Arguing that the Democrats must do or not do something because the MAGATs will react badly is high level Centrist Dipshitery that is related to this: None of what (Centrist Dipshit) says is surprising because it is the exact same page from the exact same playbook the GOP used against Clinton. Drive the Democratic base […]

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DL Open Thread: Thursday, September 14, 2023

Filed in National by on September 14, 2023 6 Comments

The MAGA Doom Loop: Rethugs Double Down On Anti-Democracy, Voters Of All Stripes Rebel.  Wash, Rinse, Repeat: For almost three years now, Republicans have defended or embraced Donald Trump’s authoritarianism — from lies about his 2020 loss to inciting an insurrection — which backfired as Americans proved unexpectedly eager to vote in defense of democracy […]

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Song of the Day 9/14: Leslie Kritzer, “Creepy Old Guy”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on September 14, 2023 4 Comments

Lauren Boebert, demonstrating the classiness we’ve all become familiar with, was booted from a performance of the musical “Beetlejuice” in Denver the other night after managing a hat trick of obnoxious behavior – vaping, taking video and singing along with the show. Several patrons complained. According to the Denver Post, “I’ve never seen anyone act […]

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It seems like Democrats should be able to run on something like this

Filed in National by on September 14, 2023 3 Comments

Every Single Republican Voted Against Lowering Drug Costs for Americans As President Joe Biden signs the Inflation Reduction Act into law today, let’s not forget that every single House and Senate Republican voted against lowering prescription drug costs, going after tax cheats, and reducing the federal deficit.You read that right: Every single congressional Republican sided with Big Pharma over the […]

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With Our Media, Republicans Would Be Dumb To Stop Constantly Lying

Filed in National by on September 13, 2023 29 Comments

The Benefits of Lying – with a Compliant Press by Josh Marshall We have a new Quinnipiac poll out today. No big surprises. About where the rest of recent polls have been: Biden 47%, Trump 46%. But it’s this paragraph down in the poll release that has my attention. Half of voters think Joe Biden was […]

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DE’s Most Intriguing Legislative Races Of 2024: #4: RD 22

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on September 13, 2023 3 Comments

You can prioritize any of our remaining four races in any order you want.  Just, if you can, prioritize working on at least one of the four campaigns.  Four great candidates, each a huge upgrade over the incumbent. The incumbent in RD 22 is a case in point.  He has established that his sole purpose […]

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Song of the Day 9/13: Old and in the Way, “Wild Horses”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on September 13, 2023 0 Comments

Joe Biden – you might have heard about this – is old. He’s been old for quite some time now, having been born in 1942, but the media has just noticed this, probably because Republicans won’t shut up about it while they prepare to challenge him with some fat tub of goo who wasn’t born […]

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DL Open Thread Wednesday September 13 2023

Filed in National by on September 13, 2023 12 Comments

Social Media Reports Escapee in Delaware  Headed down 52 towards Trolly Square.  According to my friend’s sister’s hairdresser.    Floods in eastern Libya: 2,000 people feared dead after weekend storm Floods caused by Mediterranean storm Daniel wrecked neighbourhoods and homes in Lybia’s multiple coastal towns in the east of the North African nation. As nearly […]

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Photo of Matt Gaetz Informing Kevin McCarthy That He WILL Be Holding an Impeachment

Filed in National by on September 12, 2023 3 Comments
Photo of Matt Gaetz Informing Kevin McCarthy That He WILL Be Holding an Impeachment

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Song of the Day 9/12: R. Dean Taylor, “Indiana Wants Me”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on September 12, 2023 6 Comments

So much for a good guy with a gun. Escaped killer Danelo Cavalcante broke into a house in rural Chester County and stole a .22-caliber rifle despite the homeowner firing seven shots at him. Unexplained: How Cavalcante got his hands on the weapon. I can understand wanting access to a handgun for self-protection, but a […]

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House Rethugs To Impeach Biden Over–Something

Filed in Featured, National by on September 12, 2023 1 Comment

Speaker Kevin McCarthy, whose hold on his office depends on the most extreme MAGAts in his Caucus, has given in to one of their demands: House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said Tuesday he is directing House committees to open an impeachment inquiry into President Biden, amid pressure from some hard-right members of the Republican caucus […]

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Primary Campaign Season Has Officially Started

Filed in National by on September 12, 2023 7 Comments
Primary Campaign Season Has Officially Started

The Democratic Primary Campaign season is officially underway, so I’m going to keep a running list of candidates how have been in touch with me & how. (Which is a good measure of…I don’t know…Money? Proximity? Small state happenstance shit?) Anyway, here is the list as of Day 1: Lt Gov Candidate Debbie Harrington – […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday September 12 2023

Filed in National by on September 12, 2023 4 Comments

Shawn “Chickenshit” Garvin  approves chickenshit “recycling”

Construction can proceed to build anaerobic digesters to recycle poultry waste

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