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Patriotism Police

Filed in National by on July 25, 2023 4 Comments

I’ve noticed this at Phillies games.  There are self-appointed patriotism enforcers who will scream at you if they think you are taking too long to remove your hat during National Anthem.   It is ridiculous and annoying wingnut virtue signaling.   And oh yeah, they also think you should stand up for “God Bless America”  which is […]

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Did the climate change asteroid finally hit this summer?

Filed in National by on July 25, 2023 9 Comments

It seems like climate change has suddenly become a thing. I mean it has been a thing for a while now, but a thing this country could all easily laugh off or ignore. It was sneaking up on us. 78 degrees and sunny in November? Yes, please! Now it is here and that’s good, right? […]

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Song of the Day 7/25: Aqua, “Barbie Girl”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on July 25, 2023 1 Comment

With Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” racking up box-office records, it was only natural that this 1997 Europop earworm would make a comeback, though it’s not featured in the film in its original form. Aqua, a Danish-Norwegian quartet, came up with “Barbie Girl” after one member saw an exhibit on kitsch culture that featured the billion-selling doll. […]

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DL Open Thread Tuesday July 25 2023

Filed in National by on July 25, 2023 3 Comments

This will work. Mitt Romney has a plan to disrupt the “apparent inevitability” of Donald Trump locking up the GOP presidential nomination. Romney is calling on donors and influencers to get candidates to drop out by late February. Have you heard?  It seems that Delaware legalized marijuana. Where should Delaware’s marijuana stores go? Sussex County considers legal options for areas […]

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Knock It the Fuck Off

Filed in Delaware by on July 24, 2023 20 Comments

Two highly qualified candidates have declared themselves candidates for Delaware’s congressional seat. Some of you favor Eugene Young, others favor Sarah McBride. I like them both, and I’m not choosing which one I’ll vote for before campaigning has even begun. The simple fact is that both would make better senators than Lisa Blunt Rochester and […]

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Last Week’s Poll Results and This Week’s Poll

Filed in National by on July 24, 2023 4 Comments

It seems like last week’s poll turned into a McBride v Young proxy battle. But who is who? Is McBride the AOC/Sanders and Young is the Joe Biden? I guess it is possible. Living outside of Wilmington I know virtually nothing of Young, so he could be the “traditional democrat” in this round of voting. His announcement certainly strikes that tone. Similarly, you could say that McBride is the AOC here if you stand her up next to someone like Chris Coons, for example.

Which type of candidate would you prefer as your next congressperson?

  • A progressive democrat like Bernie Sanders or Alexandria Occasio-Cortez
  • A traditional democrat like Joe Biden

Total Votes: 128

This week’s poll – How do you think the Israel vote will go down?

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It’s Official! Eugene Young Enters Race For Congress

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on July 24, 2023 39 Comments

Here is his announcement: I wanted to make sure you heard a personally exciting life update, I’m running for Congress! I’m running for Congress because I still believe we’re a state of neighbors. When both you and your neighbor thrive, we all thrive.  I grew up in a place that cared for me and everyone […]

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Song of the Day 7/24: Randy Newman, “Sail Away”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment, National by on July 24, 2023 1 Comment

For 200 years now some people have maintained that slavery was a benefit to the enslaved – “They were better off than they were in Africa” goes the refrain. In Florida, that’s now official history. Under the state’s new educational standards, students will be taught that slavery benefitted the enslaved. Abraham Lincoln had the proper […]

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Chris Coons Viewed as Weak Link as Biden Tries to Keep Senate Dems Unified on Tommy Tuberville

Filed in National by on July 24, 2023 15 Comments

President Biden announced more military nominees as Sen. Tuberville digs in on blocking them.   And yet, while the president called the Alabama Republican’s hold on promotions and nominations “dangerous,” and asked the Senate to quickly confirm the nominees, it is a Democrat that wants to cave to Tuberville’s hostage taking – Chris Coons. According to […]

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DL Open Thread Monday July 24 2023

Filed in National by on July 24, 2023 1 Comment

A home invasion is the ultimate wet dream of your average MAGA gun nut. Just listen to how that traumatic experience turned Claudia Trupp into a defense attorney, and campaigner for the innocence project.   E252 – Innocence Project (w/Claudia Trupp) Innocence Project Delaware Executive Director Claudia Trupp joins Rob in the bunker to talk about […]

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Song of the Day 7/23: Steely Dan, “Bad Sneakers”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on July 23, 2023 4 Comments

Let’s play “What’s Fox News freaking out about today?” If you guessed “Joe Biden wearing sneakers,” you’re our winner! Yes, according to one on-air imbecile, it’s akin to “wearing a Speedo and flipflops to a funeral.” Really? Seriously? Because I see old guys in Skechers every day, and I’ve never seen anyone in a Speedo […]

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DL Open Thread: Sunday, July 23, 2023

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on July 23, 2023 5 Comments

The ‘Kansas Two-Step’:  Classic cop tactic no doubt employed all the time here in Delaware: Kansas trooper Brandon McMillan pulled Bosire over for driving seven miles per hour over the speed limit, according to court documents. The trooper did not issue a speeding ticket, but he suspected Bosire, who is Black, was trafficking drugs from […]

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I saw the Barbie movie….and I loved it!

Filed in National by on July 22, 2023 3 Comments
I saw the Barbie movie….and I loved it!

If you know and like movies by Greta Gerwig (Lady Bird, Little Women), you know what you are getting into.  You’ll see women pulled in every direction all at once. You’ll see the unremitting gaslighting that the patriarchy puts women through on a daily basis. You’ll see douche bros being douche bros. But you’ll also […]

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