Tag: 2008 Presidential
McCain More of the Same — Reigniting the Culture War
Joe Klein is not one of my favorite media-types, but he is quite correct here: Maybe I’m getting old, maybe it’s that I’ve seen this act so often before, maybe it’s that the people I talk to when I go out on the road really are having a harder time paying for things like health […]
Leave Sarah Palin Alone!
I’m serious. Leave her alone. I know she’s a liberal bloggers dream and the posts write themselves, but we (myself included) need to back off. This election is about McCain. By focusing on Palin we are taking the attention away from the top of the ticket. And I’m beginning to think that’s exactly what the […]
And the Michigan Independents Weigh In — UPDATE
Jake Tapper has the story: Ilene Beninson, 52, Berkley independent: “Her speech contained few statements about policy or the party platform. … I am not convinced that Palin’s experience as a mayor or governor in Alaska meet the qualifications to be vice president much less one stroke or heart attack away from being commander in […]
Did Sarah Palin do what she needed to do?
I have no doubt that Palin’s speech last night fired up the Far, Far Right, but how did it play with the middle? And, let’s face it, this election will be determined by Independents and Moderates. So, did Palin draw them in or turn them off? She had another task last night. She had to […]
Just Listen to Mike Murphy and Peggy Noonan
Don’t worry about the visual — listen carefully to thse two and they think they are off mike. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dq4sOM4tpno[/youtube] h/t TPM
It’s Judgement, stupid
John McCain’s VP pick says more about John McCain than Sarah Palin. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYFkR8zYiBw[/youtube] To paraphrase Paul Begala… As Democrats we are thrilled with the Sarah Palin pick. As Americans we should be terrified.
McCain’s Campaign Manager Doesn’t Think Palin Has National Security Credentials
“[Sarah Palin is] going to learn national security at the foot of the master for the next four years, and most doctors think that he’ll be around at least that long,” said Charlie Black, one of Mr. McCain’s top advisers, making light of concerns about Mr. McCain’s health, which Mr. McCain’s doctors reported as excellent […]
Frank Luntz Focus Groups Palin
And the results aren’t promising: …with some bad news for John McCain: they don’t like the choice of Sarah Palin for vice president. Only one person said Palin made him more likely to vote for McCain; about half the 25-member group raised their hands when asked if Palin made them less likely to vote for […]
Scaling It Back
or no 38 million viewers for you! The RNC has decided to scale back its convention next week, they say to make it a call to service rather than a political celebration. That is likely a good thing — americablog already notes that CNN has started the split screen competition and major portions of their […]
Ronstock 08!
That’s what they are calling it — next week’s rally by Ron Paul (failed Presidential candidate) supporters meeting across the river from the RNC St. Paul event. So have any of you heard about this? They’ve sold 9800 tickets to this thing and today is the first I’ve heard of it. If this had been […]
Prescient Commentary
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIX4P0fApmA[/youtube] This talking head is a repub operative who was clearly impressed by Obama’s speech last night AND was just as clearly overwhelmed by what it means for the state of play. I thought that his concluding statement, “whoever didn’t get picked for Republican VP today may be a lucky Republican”, would be interesting to […]
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