Tag: 2012 Presidential Election

Dreaded Details: On Chopping Away at the Federal Government

Filed in National by on April 18, 2012 10 Comments
Dreaded Details: On Chopping Away at the Federal Government

The Republicans find it difficult to campaign on chopping away at the Federal government. Let’s be honest here, Bush created one of the largest government agencies ever – the Depart of Homeland Security.

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Santorum Frightened of Romney, Truly

Filed in National by on April 18, 2012 9 Comments
Santorum Frightened of Romney, Truly

Rick Santorum sent out a campaign letter which just arrived to voters in Iowa that he is frightened of Mitt Romney. It truly frightens me to think what’ll happen if Mitt Romney is the nominee. You can read the letter here. It should also be noted that as of Monday, Santorum has not endorsed Romney.

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Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire: The Story of Mitt

Filed in National by on April 17, 2012 4 Comments

Roger Cohen has a wonderful opinion piece on Mitt Romney’s ability to lie.

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As Expected, “Buffett Rule” Defeated

Filed in National by on April 17, 2012 5 Comments
As Expected, “Buffett Rule” Defeated

And an election issue is born.

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Romney on Fairness

Filed in National by on April 16, 2012 11 Comments

Romney and the GOP Just Don’t Get It

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Will the Obama Campaign Put Arizona into Play?

Filed in National by on April 16, 2012 6 Comments
Will the Obama Campaign Put Arizona into Play?

Remember in 2008 when the Obama campaign decided to go after Virginia and North Carolina and pundits shook there heads? Well, the Obama campaign is giving serious thought about putting Arizona into play this election cycle.

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Romney’s Pivot

Filed in National by on April 16, 2012 3 Comments
Romney’s Pivot

Could the Republican Congress help Obama in November’s election?

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November is Upon Us

Filed in National by on April 15, 2012 0 Comments
November is Upon Us

“There’s no such thing as a fall campaign anymore,” said Steve Schmidt, who was the chief strategist for Sen. John McCain’s 2008 general election campaign.

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Yes, Please.

Filed in National by on April 13, 2012 2 Comments
Yes, Please.

Washington Times columnist calls for Paul Ryan to be Mitt Romney’s running mate.

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Quote of the Day

Filed in National by on April 13, 2012 1 Comment
Quote of the Day

This is going to be the most moneyed election in the history of the United States. There is a sense of coming full circle, of forgetting our history — the reason we installed a system for financing campaigns that didn’t rely on corporate or wealthy money. – Bob Edgar, the president of Common Cause (link)

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Why Allen West Will NOT Be Romney’s Running Mate

Filed in National by on April 10, 2012 8 Comments

The Fix has an interesting post cataloging the reasons why Rep. Allen West (R-Florida) will not be Romney’s pick as his vice-presidential candidate. There are many, but probably the most damning is the one that got West relieve of his command in the Army.

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Is Romney Being Ironic?

Filed in National by on April 9, 2012 1 Comment

Or maybe, Romney slept through 2008 and 2009.

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Romney, Taxes, and the American People

Filed in National by on April 7, 2012 9 Comments
Romney, Taxes, and the American People

Romney’s campaign has said that the two years of the candidate’s tax returns they have released is “sufficient” and meets the law. Good for him, not good for the American people.

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