Romney, Taxes, and the American People

Filed in National by on April 7, 2012

Romney’s campaign has said that the two years of the candidate’s tax returns they have released is “sufficient” and meets the law. Good for him, not good for the American people. Interesting side note though, when Romney was being vetted by the McCain campaign in 2008, he supplied 23 years of tax returns. Hmm, when being vetted by the American people, Romney supplies 2 years of returns, but when vetted by McCain, 23 years of returns. Now that’s math I don’t understand.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. reis says:

    McCain is 20 times older than the average American citizen?

  2. cassandra_m says:

    Romney gave McCain all of those tax returns as a way of telling him Yes, as a matter of fact, I am richer than you and I have better tax shelters!

    So does this mean that Rmoney was vetted more thoroughly than Sarah Palin was? Sheesh….

  3. Liberal Elite says:

    @c “So does this mean that Rmoney was vetted more thoroughly than Sarah Palin was?”

    Yes he was, and McCain didn’t like what he saw in those reports, and probably told the Romney folks that he’d be a liability.

    The bottom line is that Romney has been cheating. The WHOLE point of moving money off-shore was to avoid paying his legal taxes. …and Americans who pay their taxes hate tax cheats.

  4. Rustydils says:

    Liberal Elite, “Has been cheating”, that is quite a jump from the information we have. That is kind of like saying that since President Obama won’t release his college transcripts and admissions information, that he cheated on that also.

  5. cassandra m says:

    Seems to me that if we are thinking the way that Rd does here, we would be free to think that Rmoney isn’t releasing his tax returns because there is something Rmoney wants to hide. Rmoney hasn’t released his college transcripts, either, so clearly there is something fishy about his claim to have graduated from school there.

  6. Rustydils says:

    Maybe we should have Obama and Romney release their college transcripts, and whoever made better grades gets to be the next president, How about it. Or, Lets add up the charitable contributions Mitt Romney made in the last two years, and if they are more money than Obama has earned in his life time, then Romney gets to be the next president. Or how about this, Lets add up the taxes Romney has paid in the last two years, and if that adds up to more than Obama has earned in his life time, then Romney gets to be president.
    Or finally how about this, lets add up how much time each man has spent in their career working and servicing their Business, governments, people and their communities for free. And whoever has the most time gets to be president

    I’ll start the math with Romney.
    1. Working for Bain Consulting to turn them back around for 1 year for free.
    2. Worked for the Olimpics to turn them around for 3 years for free.
    3. Pastored in his Church for free for 10 years. In the morman church the ministers work on a volunteer basis. (Estimates are Romney worked 20 hours per week for 10 years pastoring in his church)
    4. Ran the state of Massachussetts for 4 years, turned their 3 million dollar budget deficit into a 2 million dollar suprlus, worked for free for 4 years.

    Lets see, so far that is 1 plus 3 plus 10 plus 4, so far 18 years.

    I would guess that if elected president, and serving two terms that Romney will also draw no salary, So that is another 8 years.

    So 18 plus 8 equals 26 years of service for free. That is more than a quarter of a century. All very demanding jobs. no free rides. pastoring in a church, turning around a consulting firm, turning around olimpics, turning around a state, and hopefully turning around a country. That is a hard 26 years worth of work, all for free. But you guys go ahead and be hypocrits, I am sure all of you have put in similar amounts of service for free.

    Face it, you guys might as well take the next 6 months off from blogging, go on vacation, enjoy yourself, cause there is no way you are going to beat this guy.

  7. puck says:

    1. Working for Bain Consulting to turn them back around for 1 year for free.

    HA HA HA ha ha HAHA ha… ha… hoo boy.

  8. cassandra m says:

    And adding to the LOLZ are all of the flip flops that multiple choice Mitt has had to perform in order to get the endorsement of the Rds of the world. The ones who think that releasing college transcripts for one is crucial but not so important for his own guy.

    Make you wish for OG literacy test before some folks get to vote.

  9. Liberal Elite says:

    @Rd “So 18 plus 8 equals 26 years of service for free.”

    Oh it wasn’t free. Not by a LONG shot. We all paid…. and far more than you believe.

    @Rd “Liberal Elite, “Has been cheating”, that is quite a jump from the information we have.”

    Hiding money overseas with the EXPLICIT intent to avoid paying a tax that the rest of us pay? That’s cheating. Common sense, man… just common sense. Everyone knows it.

    He’s a cheat, and the Dems are going to hang that around his neck, big time.