Stupid Things Men Say (Part II)

Filed in National by on April 7, 2012

Sean Spicer, the communications director for the Republican National Committee, commented on the gender gap:

I find it offensive that the Democratic National Committee is using a term like that to describe policy differences. It’s not only bad, but it’s downright pathetic they would use a term like ‘war’ when there are millions of Americans who actually have engaged in a real war. To use a term like that borders on unpatriotic.

He also repeated it on Twitter:

h/t Joan McCarter on Daily Kos


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. auntie dem says:

    I feel like they have declared war on me. War is an appropriate term here as they try to force women back into the 19th century. Did they think we were going to roll-over and let it happen? Too many of us fought to get where we are. It was a fight and it will, apparently, continue to be a fight. They started this, now let them understand how angry we are.

  2. cassandra m says:

    Not only have they declared war on women, they are now out and about (like this guy) basically telling his boys that he is tired of hearing women squawk about it. Because how can it be a war when they’ve always devalued women?

  3. puck says:

    Republicans have Komenized themselves.

  4. Jason330 says:

    This constant need that the GOP has to be “at war” arises from the “best defense is a good offense” philosophy that has taken them pretty far. WhenGeorge Bush declared war on reason and common sense, I thought the paradigm had run it’s course, but I was wrong.

  5. Geezer says:

    It’s only a “war” when we fight back.

  6. auntie dem says:

    Well then Geezer, I’m at war. Glad to see you use “we” in your response.

  7. Aoine says:

    altho Geezer doesnt like me much – I also noted the “we” and its appreciated.