Tag: 2012 Presidential Election

Romney Criticizes Obama for Harvard Ties

Filed in National by on April 5, 2012 13 Comments
Romney Criticizes Obama for Harvard Ties

With what could only be described as a bad case of amnesia, Mitt Romney has criticized President Obama again for spending “too much time at Harvard”. Yes, Obama went to Harvard for 3 years and got one degree. Romney went there for 4 years and received two degrees.

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Out with the Whigs

Filed in National by on September 8, 2011 0 Comments

The Republican debate last night highlighted the chasm that is splitting the party.

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GOP Money Men are Down To Two

Filed in National by on September 6, 2011 13 Comments
GOP Money Men are Down To Two

With the GOP horse race seemingly between Romney and Dick Perry, the Republican establishment is in a quandary.

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The Republican Primary Shuffle

Filed in National by on August 31, 2011 2 Comments

If you thought Iowa and New Hampshire were going to be the first two primaries, you may be mistaken.

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Michelle Bachmann – The Jewish Candidate?

Filed in National by on August 31, 2011 22 Comments
Michelle Bachmann – The Jewish Candidate?

Some GOP donors think Michelle Bachmann is Jewish.

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How $hewd is Rick Perry?

Filed in National by on August 31, 2011 3 Comments
How $hewd is Rick Perry?

Apparently, very, very, very shrewd or just “lucky”.

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Prognosticating the Palin Possibility

Filed in National by on January 3, 2011 9 Comments
Prognosticating the Palin Possibility

Is Sarah Palin wants the GOP nomination, can she obtain it? Nate Silver at 538 looks at the possibility of Sarah Palin securing the GOP presidential nomination in 2012.

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Twitter: The Ultimate Political Sound Bite

Filed in National by on December 30, 2010 0 Comments
Twitter: The Ultimate Political Sound Bite

The 2008 Presidential campaign was brought to you be Youtube. 2012? Most likely it will be run on Twitter.

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Handicapping the 2012 Presidential Race

Filed in National by on December 28, 2010 0 Comments
Handicapping the 2012 Presidential Race

Nate Silver at 538 starts looking at some of the factors that will influence the 2012 election.

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