Romney Criticizes Obama for Harvard Ties

Filed in National by on April 5, 2012

With what could only be described as a bad case of amnesia, Mitt Romney has criticized President Obama again for spending “too much time at Harvard”. Yes, Obama went to Harvard for 3 years and got one degree. Romney went there for 4 years and received two degrees.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. AQC says:

    How has going to Harvard become an insult?

  2. Liberal Elite says:

    @AQC “How has going to Harvard become an insult?”

    Because (unless you’re a professed conservative) you then get accused of being the liberal elite.

  3. Rustydils says:

    Maybe if Obama released his academic records, and showed what he actually accomplished there, and what his admission records said, as far as how he was actually able to get in, he would get less critisism

  4. JPconnorjr says:

    Hey Rusty, go stare at your birth certificate. The President owes you and your wing nut friends nothing.

  5. Liberal Elite says:

    @Rustyd*** “Maybe if Obama released his academic records”

    No need….

    He was the president of the Harvard Law Review. Trust me on this one… mediocre students do not become president of the Harvard Law Review. Not then. Not now. Not ever.

  6. Rustydils says:

    Liberal Elite. I understand that he also taught on the constitution. I am not sure what he taught, being that obama care is about to be found unconstitutional. And Yes there is a need to release his transcripts, and his admittance informaiton. Because in Obama’s own words from last year. If you are hiding something, then you probably did something wrong

  7. Liberal Elite says:

    You have no idea what it’s like to be at Harvard. I spent 5 years there and studied/worked about 14 hours per day seven days a week, taking very little time off… never worked harder in my life. To imply that Obama got a cakewalk in achieving what dozens of law students would have been VERY eager to have, is ridiculous on face value. Being aggressive without having the “goods” to back it up gets you dumped on Brattle Street. Competition is what drives the excellence there, not superior teaching skills by Harvard professors. The only people who took it all as a joke were the very wealthy.

    So, if you want a comparison…. Obama went to Harvard to excel. Romney went to Harvard to sleep through classes and to polish his venture capital pitch.

  8. Your Evil Overlord says:

    “You have no idea what it’s like to be at Harvard… never worked harder in my life.

    …So, if you want a comparison… Obama went to Harvard to excel. Romney went to Harvard to sleep through classes and to polish his venture capital pitch.”

    I went to Haaaaaahvahd! Validate me! It’s so hard and tough! Unless you’re the guy I don’t like, then you were obviously a slug and a blackguard.

  9. Rob says:

    Obama won’t even release his grades. He’s a huge commie fake produced by the Russians! No wonder they endorse him for president. He wants to reduce our nuclear missiles to 300 while the Russians and Chinese have many thousands LOL liberals are nuts to support obama. They should support romney.

  10. Jason330 says:

    You need some ALL CAPS and a few “deomocrat party”
    to land that type of parody.

  11. JPconnorjr says:

    Rob,, they are doing great things with psychtropic meds these days. No running with scissors one, ok?

  12. Grin says:

    Rob. Is this what passes for political discussion in Delaware? Well hopefully you are from another state. Really,.. a commie fake produced by the russians. I need to know where on the intertubes you read that, and if they have a comment section. Thanks in advance for your reply.

  13. Dana Garrett says:

    Wow, Rob’s form of right-wing paranoia is so dated it’s kind of quaint. Straight from the 50’s and 60’s John Birch form of fear mongering. Next he’ll tell us that Obama is using mind control drugs on us via the water supply. Rob is a living relic.