Gingrich Group Files for Bankruptcy

Filed in National by on April 5, 2012

As you already know, the Newt is in Delaware campaigning. Yeah, we haven’t figured that one out yet, unless he’s stopping in Greenville with his hand out. Meanwhile in Georgia, “Newt Inc.”, has filed bankruptcy in an example of capitalism at its finest. Tiffany’s is very concerned.


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Liberal Elite says:

    What does a bankrupt think tank think about?

  2. puck says:

    Well, since conservatives think money is speech, hopefully they will just SHUT UP.

  3. Delawarelefty says:

    A Republican has again merged intellectual bankrupcy with economic bankrupcy. Kind of like the Ryan budget plan.

  4. Rustydils says:

    Looks like some of Newt’s “Big Ideas” just didn’t work out.

    However, comparing this to the Ryan Budget Plan is like comparing Barney Fyfee to Kathy Ireland. There is nothing to compare.

    The Ryan budget plan would be the opposite of Newt’s Bankruptcy, the Ryan budget plan gets the Country started on a path to AVOID bankruptcy, and China owning us. That would be the opposite of Newt filing bankruptcy, not the same, but the OPPOSITE.

  5. Jason330 says:

    Ryan budget plan gets the Country started on a path to AVOID bankruptcy, except not so much because of the Shrinking GDP, and the negative impact on economic growth.

    You know what’s bancrupt? The tax cuts create jobs myth.

  6. Delawarelefty says:

    Sorry Rustudis,comparing the Ryan Budget Plan to bankrupcy is like comparing Barney Fife to Jeff Chistopher. Get a clue!

  7. Cheryl55 says:

    This MUST be a Romney fan who wrote this!!! Everyone KNOWS that people with money, will let something GO to BANKRUPTCY when they know its time to cut the losses…it IS good business! Ask Romney! He is the one that said let Chrysler and so many others file bankruptcy and they would come out better in the end!! This has ZERO to do with NEWTS ideas or his successes in Washington! It has little to do with ANYTHING that personally involves the Speaker and MOST ALL people know this…this is just yet another LIE to get any of those who they have NOT turned against the smartest candidate running…they think they will now!! Trouble IS NOT everyone is an idiot…remember most publications are geared toward those with less than an 8th grade education…and they are REALLY counting on it here!! Those who REALLY want the REAL story on this guy NEED to go listen to him speak…you will walk away KNOWING this guy has what it takes…unfortunately, what it takes today is MONEY and that is what is getting the elite nominated…but he will NEVER beat the community organizer!!

  8. Rustydils says:

    Cherly55. I have no idea what you just said

  9. Rustydils says:

    Jason and delaware lefty, obamas budget lost in the house this week, 414 to 0. Not a single democrat or republican voted for it. And you think I have no clue.

  10. MJ says:

    Rusty, provide a link to this supposed vote (my guess is that he can’t).

  11. Rustydils says:

    MJ, as usuall, you would guess wrong, must be tough going through life never being right.

  12. Liberal Elite says:

    @MJ “my guess is that he can’t”

    You are correct. This is from the article Rustydlls cited:

    “This is politics at its absolute worst: presenting something as the President’s budget without the policy detail, without the explanation to the American people about what’s in the President’s budget,” he said. “And as a result, he presents a very misleading version of what the President has asked us to do.”

    In other words, it wasn’t the president’s budget that they were voting on… it was just another silly GOP ploy that wastes time in congress. Rusty must be so proud.

  13. Geezer says:

    “Trouble IS NOT everyone is an idiot”

    Correct. That’s why there are more Democrats than Republicans.

    “And you think I have no clue.”

    Correction: We KNOW you have no clue.

  14. MJ says:

    I knew I was correct, LE. This is also from the article:

    “White House officials said Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.), the sponsor of the alternative, was using Obama’s top-line spending and revenue numbers as a budget proposal, without any specifics. On the House floor, Budget Committee Ranking Member Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) agreed that Mulvaney’s amendment was not, in fact, Obama’s entire budget.”

    Nice try at spin, Dils. You’re getting rusty in your old age. But thanks for playing.

    Must be tough in life being exposed as a fraud and an idiot.

  15. Rustydils says:

    If this was not Obama’s Budget Proposal, where is Obama’s budget proposal, and will he ever offer a budget proposal that balances the budget, or does he just think the money falls from trees, and that we can just keep spending more than we have without running out. Everyone in the world except the people at delaware liberal know that if you always spend more than you take in, eventually you will run out of money. That is second grade math. No need to go to college to figure that one out. But Obama and all 12 of his supporters, (10 from delaware liberal, Michelle Obama, and himself) don’t understand this basic principle of life existence. If you use more water than you have, then you run out and die. If you use more oil than you have, then you run out. If you spend more money than you have, then you run out. The more massive our debt becomes, the lower our credit rating, the more it cost to borrow money, eventually no one will lend us, and we will run out of money. Ask yourself if with your personal finances you always every year spent more than you took in what would happen. You would have to go bankrupt, Just like Newt. The Ryan plan is just the start of trying to get the government to understand, no matter what, YOU CAN’T SPEND MORE THAN YOU TAKE IN. President Obama has absolutely no understanding of this concept. So he is unable ot propose a viable federal budget. So any budget he proposes will not pass, because neither republicans or democrats will vote for it

  16. MJ says:

    Rusty, if you ever opened a newspaper instead of listening to FAUX News, you’d know that the President submitted his budget to Congress on February 13, 2012. It’s always submitted on or about February 15 of each year. Here’s a link – You can use those links on the left side of the page to read the President’s message to Congress and the budget proposal itself.

    And when talking about more money than one takes in, maybe you’d like to explain to us how Clinton left the US with a budget SURPLUS and within one year, W pissed it away, and also started 2 wars that were not paid for.

    And once again, that vote you touted as being a rejection of the President’s budget was not his budget proposal. Try reading before pontificating on something you obviously know nothing about (or care to learn about).