Tag: Anthony Weiner

Occam’s Razor

Filed in National by on June 7, 2011 50 Comments

One thing about being out of the country is that I functioned more like a normal, non-news junkie person. When your Internet access is very limited, you tend to just scan the headlines and not dig too deeply into complicated stories. One thing I did manage to catch is Weinergate or Weinerweiner, as I like […]

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Mike Castle, He’s Talking About You

Filed in Delaware, National by on October 23, 2009 18 Comments

Representative Anthony Weiner (D-NY9) has been a real hero in the fight for health care reform. He has released a study that shows 151 current members of Congress receive Medicare, the dreaded government-run health care system, including 55 Republicans. All of these Republicans are opponents of the public option. Here is the list: Rep. Ralph […]

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