Tag: Bigotry
Donald Trump: Radical Islamic Terrorist = All Muslims

Everyone knew the Republican hysteria over President Obama (and others) not using the exact words “Radical Islamic Terrorists” was the stepping stone to condemning all Muslims. They needed those words to be said in order to morph Radical Islamic Terrorist into Muslim. Donald Trump just sped up the morphing process. Via TPM: GOP frontrunner Donald […]
What Creeping Sharia Law Looks Like

And this is right here in Millsboro and the Indian River School District, where one Shaun Fink is trying to impose his religious bigotries (beliefs masquerading as bigotry) on the high school students in the District. You can read the details of Mr. Fink’s attempt to impose this atrocious bit of Christian Sharia law in this NJ article. Mr. Fink is hiding behind his so-called Christianity to try to demonize and ostracize LGBT people, objecting to the teaching of differences in sexual orientation as against his beliefs. Unfortunately, Mr. Fink still thinks he is living in the last century where not only could you get away with that kind of bigotry, but there was little price to be paid for it. In this century, this kind of bigotry is simply not a survial skill or a leadership skill — two things you want your kids to have. An official demonization of LGBT people — objecting to making them normal (as if they aren’t already) not only does not serve these kids, but also tries to use the government to impose your bigotry on others. Even more, what Mr. Fink knows is that kids are more tolerant of differences among them, including LGBT differences. Trying to curb a basic course on sexuality to impart Mr. Fink’s message that LGBT people are not “normal” is about him imposing his beliefs on these kids — because he knows that they don’t prioritize these differences. And trying to control other people — their behavior and their beliefs is what Sharia Law is all about, right?
More Bigotry from Bill Colley and His WGMD Enablers

Have you heard about this? The stupid bigotry of Bill Colley has a home at WGMD and he even has a blog there. One of his recent blog posts (see here, because nothing over there gets embedded here) takes a pictures of some mattresses on the side of the road and speculates that this is the doing of latinos. Huh? Who even knew that mattresses on the side of the road was a Latino thing? Ignoring, of course, that the biggest cause of large household goods on the side of the road is the direct result of a bunch of good old boys over-estimating the carrying capacity of their vehicle OR the under-estimating the strength of their tie-downs. I mean, who hasn’t seen these people on the road. What we shouldn’t ignore is that this is a major Delaware media outlet who thinks that casual bigotry aimed at some of their neighbors is just fine. And it isn’t. So contact them and tell them to knock if off and ask if they think that any of their advertisers would be interested in maintaining a relationship with an outlet that accepts this kind of bigotry as part of their business model.
When The Term “Blood Libel” Just Isn’t Enough
What the hell is wrong with these people? After alienating African Americans and Hispanics they’ve decided to alienate Jews? Josh Marshall says it best… I thought Sarah Palin’s “blood libel” comment was crude and stupid. And I understand that many found it offensive, though I can’t say I was really offended in any personal way. […]
Friday’s Asshat of the Day
Who remembers Judge Roy Moore? He was the pre-teabag Alabama Supreme Court Justice who refused to obey a Federal court order to remove a monument of the 10 Commandments from his courthouse. He not only lost the case, he lost his job. Well, it seems as one of his acolytes, Alabama Supreme Court Justice Tom […]
Tuesday’s Asshat of the Day
Just when you thought you’ve seen the lowest of the low, another teabagger opens his mouth and shows that their movement is indeed racist. Judson Phillps, the founder of Tea Party Nation, and it’s head grifter, wrote over the weekend that Congressman Keith Ellison (D-MN) should be defeated for re-election because he’s a Muslim. Writing […]
More Terrorizing Of Muslims
Looks like this is the path we’re on… NEW YORK — In the latest in a spate of anti-Muslim incidents over the last two days, an intoxicated man entered a mosque in Queens on Wednesday evening and proceeded to urinate on prayer rugs, New York police officials said. The man, identified as Omar Rivera, reportedly […]
“What Could Go Wrong?”
Talk about looking for trouble. An armed Christian organization, Right Wing Extreme, will protect a church that is planning to host an “International Burn a Quran Day” on September 11, the church’s pastor said Tuesday. …Dove World Outreach Center Pastor Terry Jones has accepted the support of Right Wing Extreme, which he said offered to […]
Gay Don’t Pay — Updated!
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMJvZO2KgVw[/youtube] h/t Bob Cesca’s Awesome Blog UPDATE: Our own MJ inaugurates a New Feature on his blog and has some additional schooling for Steele.
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