Tag: Bush
and now a word from your pResident
“‘In a world where some invoke the name of God to justify acts of terror and murder and hate, we need your message that God is love,’ Bush said. ‘In a world where some treat life as something to be debased and discarded, we need your message that all human life is sacred. . . […]
How Does That Work?
The Electronic Freedom Foundation has noticed that a footnote in a John Yoo memo that stated that the Justice Department had recently decided that the 4th amendment didn’t apply to military operations within the United States with regard to terrorism. For those of you that forget what the 4th amendment says: The right of the […]
A Fitting Tribute To Our pResident
One of our readers, Fred, just forwarded me a website that aims to pay a fitting tribute to George W Bush. His Dad has an Airport named after him, as does Reagan. In San Francisco, there is a movement afoot to name the Oceanside Wastewater Treatment Facility the George W Bush Sewage Plant. It is […]
Von Cracker on the hunt
This should pretty much make you sick. It really lends itself to the LIHOP Conspiracy. Jason, dust off that hat! UPDATED x5: Mukasey’s referenced pre-9/11 call in speech NOT IN 9/11 REPORT! Wed Apr 02, 2008 at 01:04:33 PM PDT Attorney General Michael Mukasey’s trip to San Jose to speak to telecom leaders last week […]
Question of the day
If I think my 15 y/o daughter is smoking but I’m not sure of it can I use enhanced interrogation tactics on her and her friends to find out? My arguement is yes because: 1. It is a matter of life and death 2. It is illegal 3. she is a minor and a ward of […]
So my Veterans Day post caused an uproar. I want to know how pissed you are that Cheney said this
Just to refresh your memories people. I had a post a few months ago you can see it here Well Basically I implied or at least part of what I tried to convey was this is essentially the administrations line of belief that these boys and to some extent girls signed up for this. Essentially, […]
will this hurt or help him
Thoughts? I don’t know how this hurts him when it comes to independents. Personally, it is par for the course with Johnny. All hat and no cattle. When it comes down to it, he votes right in line with the party. Sort of like Chuck Hagel, Warner and the rest of the pathetic lot of […]
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