Tag: Bush’s FUBAR War

Welcome to Baghdad, Mr Cheney

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 11, 2007 18 Comments

Kavips lays it down. 1) Republicans want the surge to last till September. Why? 2) Dick Cheney is off somewhere in the middle east, on another secret mission, immediately just after Rice got back. Why? 3) We still do not have oil flowing from Iraq, four years after ‘mission accomplished”, Why? Is there a connection […]

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While We Americans Continue Our Ivory Tower Philosophising

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 11, 2007 20 Comments

Once again Mike Castle votes to support Bush and not the troops. Meanwhile… BAGHDAD – Two suicide car bombers struck checkpoints at Baghdad bridges within minutes of each other Friday, killing at least 23 people and damaging the spans despite increased American efforts to target the insurgent networks planning deadly vehicle attacks.

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Updated II: I have a problem with..the Fort Dix “terror plot”

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 11, 2007 57 Comments

 UPDATE II: ahhhh well I keep reading and I keep getting vindicated.  I hate it when I’m right, I really do….If you remember reading this post, I asked how smart could these idiots have been if they couldn’t even figure out how to convert a video to a dvd. Well they are so tactical it […]

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I have a question.

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 11, 2007 36 Comments

Who are we at “war” with right now?  This is a serious question (for a change).  I would really like to see what you the readers think. (yes even you visitor’s that NEVER comment, now is your chance)  It can be one word, two or a million, but I would really like to know what you […]

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I admit when I’m wrong, the surge is working

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 11, 2007 0 Comments

I have to admit it, I am wrong I guess. I know, I know, it IS shocking but, it takes a real man to admit his mistakes. I read this comment from Dick Cheney, he is right…you just can’t argue with his logic “‘I know most of you have heard the political debates that have […]

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Breaking News! New War on Terror Plan to be Unveiled

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 8, 2007 7 Comments

I realize Jason may use the Breaking News thing a little too often, but this is Breaking news Donviti Style!  I just read that George Bush and the Neo Cons will be implementing a new plan that will rid the planet, that’s right, the entire planet of TERRORISTS! He is going to take away their […]

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We know you are busy on Sunday’s Sooo here at Del Lib we bring the news to you

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 7, 2007 1 Comment

So I thought it was my job to remind you that the surge is working… BAGHDAD – Roadside bombs killed eight American soldiers in separate attacks Sunday in Diyala province and Baghdad, and a car bomb claimed 30 more lives in a wholesale food market in a part of the Iraqi capital where sectarian tensions […]

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Naderites and Green Party Partisans Rebuked

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 3, 2007 8 Comments

Dana’s knee-jerk “Dems are BAD” act is so tired and worn out I can barely comment on it anymore. This commenter at Dealware Watch lays it down. If not for the Naderites and their “no difference between the parties” bullshit, we wouldn’t be having this discussion now. We’d be at peace and arguing about the […]

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Creative Whitehouse Cropping

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 3, 2007 2 Comments


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Who else thinks the war is lost

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 2, 2007 52 Comments

So we all know now that Harry Reid said the war is lost right? If you didn’t (GET OFF MY FUCKING PLANET) or read this and then join this disucssion REID: This war is lost, and that the surge is not accomplishing anything, as indicated by the extreme violence in Iraq yesterday. then he said […]

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On Bush’s Veto From MYDD

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 2, 2007 4 Comments

President Bush, not Congress, made the decision to withhold funding for American troops in Iraq. The Democratic Congress provided the necessary funds for U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan to do their jobs and it was President Bush, trying to make the political statement that he favors an unending American presence in Iraq, who is […]

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Mark Your Calendar for November 30th 2007

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 1, 2007 0 Comments

That’s when Ryan S at Jokers to the Right thinks (if the Iraqis don’t get their shit together) we should get out of Iraq. …it seems to be that this surge is the final push for the War in Iraq. If substantive results are not seen, real progress is not made by the end of […]

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An Audio Greeting Card for Congressman Mike Castle

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 1, 2007 0 Comments

[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVvnWZtAJss] Mr. Castle, I wish you and yours a Happy Mission Accomplished Day, and will raise my glass tonight to toast the new American mission which you have endorsed: staying in Iraq in order to avoid embarrassing the President. Yours, Dr. Nick Riviera

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