Tag: Bush’s FUBAR War

Wonky Wednesday: Rudy Skipped Out On the Iraq Study Group

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 20, 2007 19 Comments

Last week Rudy Giuliani put forward his twelve top priorities without mentioning Iraq. As for the country’s most urgent foreign policy problem, here’s a remarkable comment from a man who would presume to lead this country: “Iraq may get better; Iraq may get worse. We may be successful in Iraq; we may not be. I […]

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Wonky Wednesday: Profiles in Leadership

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 13, 2007 0 Comments

Harry Truman: The buck stops here. George W. Bush: I’m the decider. Rudy Giuliani: We may be successful in Iraq; we may not be. I don’t know the answer to that. That’s in the hands of other people. This from a man who aspires to be leader of the free world.

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Mike Huckabee Enters the Romney Zone

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 12, 2007 1 Comment

In response to Colin Powell’s statement that he would close Git’mo “this afternoon” Mike Huckabee got all whacky. My sense was, because I visited every single prison in the Arkansas prison system, and I can tell you most of our prisoners would love to be in a facility more like Guantanamo and less like the […]

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Where Flipp Romney and Colin Powell Part Ways

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 11, 2007 5 Comments

A few weeks ago Flipp was heard to say that he would double the size of the detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. This weekend, Colin Powell, perhaps trying to restore some of the lustre that he once had, said that he would close it this afternoon, if possible. Responding to defenders of the current […]

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UPDATE: Oh shit ! Your liberal media

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 8, 2007 17 Comments

The new guy is a flat out Bushian psycho who is being brought in to expand the war to IRAN. If the Senate approves this nutbag it is “End Times” time. For over a year now that the Joint Chiefs have been blocking the White House’s efforts to expand the war to Iran. No matter […]

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Korea and Iraq

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 8, 2007 7 Comments

Last week W. compared Iraq to the Korean War.  The implication of which is that we have been there for 50 years and it still isn’t rosy, but it is stable.  There are many flaws to this argument, and I don’t like hunting for fowl that are maimed and captive.  There is an interesting point […]

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Ho hum, more liberal bias

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 8, 2007 3 Comments

Oh wait, It looks like this was written by the guy that actually worked on 2 of the classified Iraq Assesments.  No doubt he is a liberal pussy, that hates America, works for CBS and doesn’t see all the good that is going on in Iraq (even though he predicted that everything going wrong with […]

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Don’t eat your wheaties

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 6, 2007 24 Comments

until you read this You knew Scooter Libby was in trouble at yesterday’s sentencing hearing when his lawyer decided to read the judge a character reference — from Paul Wolfowitz. “I regard him as among the most gifted and valuable public servants of his generation,” wrote Norman Podhoretz, the former editor of conservative opinion journal […]

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I would like to save some of the you the time

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 5, 2007 15 Comments

I’m having some ongoing dialogue with myself right now and I thought I should share it with you bloggertards that constantly visit and sound like well, sound like bloggertards. There are no WMD’s in iraq. Typical Answer Iraq is the size of california, they could be anywhere They did have them but he moved them […]

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Republicans Can’t Even Get It Right When They Make the Rules

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 4, 2007 0 Comments

Today the judge in the proceedings against a Gitmo detainee, dismissed the charges against the 20 year old because he was not properly charged.  The problem, it seems is that he is charge with being an enemy combatant, not an unlawful enemy combatant.  The guy has been detained since he was 15.  Military prosecutors are […]

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The Cubs Win!!

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 4, 2007 1 Comment


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Any guesses why they are still looking for WMD’s?

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 2, 2007 8 Comments

U.N. Team Still Looking for Iraq’s Arsenal Though Work Is Seen as Irrelevant, Security Council Can’t Agree to End It “The reality on the ground is there is no WMD there,” said Charles Duelfer, a former U.N. weapons inspector who published the landmark 2004 report of the CIA-led Iraq Survey Group, which concluded that Iraq’s […]

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A Grand Harmonic Convergence of Wingnuttery

Filed in Uncategorized by on June 1, 2007 2 Comments

Why do we stay in Iraq? – by Duncan Black Josh Marshall heads down the path to madness in order to try to answer that question. The answer is unknowable because there isn’t one. There are a variety of powerful actors who have different motives. It’s as true, if not more true, for the continued […]

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