Tag: Cabinet

Update Part II: Gregg Says He Won’t Run in 2010 – Updated with WH response -Breaking: Gregg’s Gone

Filed in National by on February 12, 2009 28 Comments

Sen. Judd Gregg withdraws his name to be secretary of commerce.  His reasons?  “Irresolvable conflicts” with President Obama on the issues of the census and the stimulus.  I’m so relieved. Josh Marshall’s take. This is extremely weird. Gregg is out at Commerce, withdrawing for what he appears to be calling irreconcilable differences on Stimulus and […]

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Speedbump For Hillary as Sec. of State

Filed in National by on November 25, 2008 7 Comments

One of my friends mentioned to me that there is a little bit of a Constitutional controversy swirling around Hillary.  There is a pesky little part of the Constitution that basically says that because Hillary has not completed her Senate term and the salary of Secretary of State was raised during her current term, she […]

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Napolitano for Homeland Security?

Filed in National by on November 20, 2008 22 Comments

Politico reports that Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano (who is awesome) has been tapped to be the Secretary of Homeland Security. Gosh, who could have predicted it? Oh, that’s right, me. Just like I predicted Eric Holder for Attorney General and Tom Daschle for Secretary of Health & Human Services. And my prediction of Gates at […]

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