Tag: Christine O’Donnell
Ron Williams Endorses Chris Coons?
Ron Williams let loose on Christine O’Donnell in a column, calling her “an embarrassment.”
Christine O’Donnell Promised Access For Favorable Coverage
The News Journal has an editorial today on coverage of the Senate race, particularly the O’Donnell campaign’s treatment of Ginger Gibson.
O’Donnell’s Extremist Ties
The 9/12 Patriots, key backers of Christine O’Donnell, have ties to radical groups detailed in a new report from Think Progress.
I Am Sick To Death Of Christine O’Donnell
Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest. Please continue with your regularly scheduled blogging.
Christine O’Donnell Says…
Christine O’Donnell regrets her “I’m Not a Witch” ad and also was shocked to hear she lost the First Amendment debate.
Tornoe’s Toon: Christine O’Donnell and Evolution
I don’t know the last time someone had to vote on 2+2, but I’d still like my elected representative to know that the answer was four.
O’Donnell’s Other Gaffe
O’Donnell’s 1st amendment gaffe took attention away from another gaffe by O’Donnell – her assertion that “evolution is a theory not a fact” and that local schools could decide to teach intelligent design creationism instead.
Details Are For Elitists!
This awesome video features the political model (and likely the future fake husband of) Christine O’Donnell. Actually, this is probably the model for all of the crop of teajadis and wannabe teajadis out there:
Christine O’Donnell’s 1st Amendment Gaffe Goes Viral
O’Donnell’s gaffe on the 1st amendment is headline news around the country, and the headlines are not kind.
O’Donnell and Urquhart – Birds Of A Feather
What is it about these two and their fixation on the phrase separation of Church and State? Today Christine actually made a debate audience gasp. And who can ever forget Glenn’s stellar performance… That video never gets old, and I’m thrilled Carney is using it. There really isn’t a difference between Glenn and Christine, and […]
Senate Debate Live Now **Updated**
Thoughts on this morning’s Senate debate between Chris Coons and Christine O’Donnell.
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