Tag: Delaware Politics


Filed in Delaware by on October 27, 2010 33 Comments

Occasionally, I pop over to Delaware Politics.  There’s nothing like a big dose of crazy to keep a person focused, and FVoshell’s latest piece, aptly titled Us and Them, brings on a whole new level of crazy.  It’s not just that she’s wrong – she is – it’s that she’s based her entire post on […]

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Calorie Counts On Menus – Good Idea or Nanny State?

Filed in National by on February 1, 2010 17 Comments

An article in this weekend’s News Journal highlighted Senator Dave Sokola’s bill to require chain restaurants to place the calorie counts on the menus. As a dieter I would be thrilled if restaurants would include calorie counts, it’s very difficult to eat out because most of the time you don’t really know what you’re getting. […]

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How the Army Corps of Engineers Stays in Business

Filed in Delaware, National by on October 26, 2009 2 Comments

It comes up with loony projects, has them embraced by pork-loving congress critters, develops phony economic benefits analysis, and then plays hardball, using people like Pennsylvania’s amoral governor as its cheerleaders. Michael Grunwald wrote a brilliant 5-piece series for the Washington Post back in 2000 chronicling how, in one Corps survey, the Chessie ran east […]

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Polly Adams/Herman Holloway, Jr.: Separated At Birth?

Filed in National by on August 4, 2009 38 Comments

In late spring of 1994, Herman Holloway, Sr., the avuncular dean of the Delaware State Senate, passed away.  The Democrats, not exactly staring at an A-list of potential candidates, chose Herman ‘The Lesser’ Holloway, Jr. to run. Holloway had previously been forced to vacate his State Representative seat due to having been convicted of an […]

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Carney’s Fundraising Garners ‘Pleasant Surprise’ Nod from DKos

Filed in Delaware by on July 19, 2009 12 Comments

Steve Singiser’s Daily Kos featured blog on candidate fundraising gives props to John Carney’s efforts for the quarter ending June 3o: 4. John Carney (Democrat/DE-AL)–$262K Raised, $235K On Hand  Carney is potentially a challenger to longtime Republican incumbent Mike Castle. Carney more than doubled Castle’s modest ($125K) take, leading many to now speculate that Castle […]

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What to Expect From Delaware Liberal Tonight

Filed in Delaware by on June 30, 2009 7 Comments

This is the last day of the legislative session in Dover.  Unstable Isotope and I (at a minimum) will be in attendance and passing along reports.  Many of our reports will be available via Twitter (@liberalgeek and @UnstableIsotope), Nemski and DelawareDem will be monitoring the tweets.  El Somnambulo will be listening to the audio stream […]

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First & Final Call: “Not Just More Democrats, Better Democrats”

Filed in National by on May 22, 2009 13 Comments

El Somnambulo is doing the preliminary work on his series, to be entitled “Not Just More Democrats, Better Democrats”. The Beast Who Slumbers hereby sends out an RFP for suggestions and, if appropriate, supporting argument/information as to why your particular nominee(s) should be included. He will pay you nothing for your hard work. Like the […]

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El Somnambulo’s Top 10 Republican Targets for 2010-#4

Filed in National by on April 22, 2009 29 Comments

State Auditor-Tom Wagner No, no, defeating Alleged State Auditor Tom Wagner does not require a  ‘suspendering of disbelief’.  All that’s needed in these fiscally-troubled times is a credible candidate dedicated to restoring this office’s purported mission of weeding out waste, fraud and abuse. By doing nothing, Tom Wagner has done great harm to the State. […]

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‘Bulo’s Top 10 Republican Targets for 2010-#5

Filed in National by on April 21, 2009 21 Comments

9th Representative District-Dick Cathcart, House Minority Leader Democratic insiders will tell you that no one ran a more disappointing 2008 campaign than Becky Walker against Dick Cathcart. Her entire campaign should be a case study on how not to take a second run at somebody. OK, you’ve convinced him, El Somnambulo will provide a brief […]

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‘Bulo’s Top 10 2010 Republican Targets-# 6

Filed in National by on April 20, 2009 13 Comments

11th Representative District: Greg Lavelle Bleatings from the Rethuglican flock notwithstanding, Brandywine Hundred remains a target-rich environment for the D’s. Already gone are the 7th RD, formerly held by Wayne Smith; the 10th RD, the previous domain of Bob Valihura, and Jane Maroney before him; and the 4th Senatorial District, by registration the most R […]

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‘Bulo’s Top 10 2010 Republican Targets-#7

Filed in National by on April 17, 2009 11 Comments

21st Representative District-Mike Ramone “This ain’t a purchase, it’s a rental.” Thus sayeth Tom Waits, El Somnambulo’s favorite philosopher. And thus sayeth the Beast Who Slumbers about Mike Ramone’s 2008 win in the 21st. Granted, it’s a rental with an option to buy, but the warranty on returning the product to some dusty warehouse has […]

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‘Bulo’s Top 10 Republican Targets in 2010-#8

Filed in National by on April 16, 2009 8 Comments

8. Sixth Representative District-Thomas Kovach ‘Bulo doesn’t rate this race higher b/c, since defeating Mike Migliore in the special election to replace Diana McWilliams, Kovach has been more of a Dave Ennis-moderate than Wayne Smith- whacko or Greg Lavelle-blowhard. He is voting his Bellefonte/Claymont area district so far. He’s also signed onto some D-sponsored feel-good […]

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‘Bulo’s Countdown of 2010 Republicans to Target-#9

Filed in Delaware by on April 15, 2009 10 Comments

For those late to the show, the Beast Who Slumbers is counting down his list of favorite 2010 Republican targets. He has chosen these criteria in making his list: (a) the race must be contestable, and the D must have at least some reasonable chance of winning; and (b) ‘Bulo must prefer  change to the status quo […]

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