Tag: Delaware
Around the Horn Friday: Evening Edition
THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Down With Absolutes Harrington Raceway CEO Patti Key lied to the General Assembly. The wingnuttey WGMD rails against equality, or as it is known legislatively, HB5. Liveblogging the HB 5 Senate Executive Committee Hearing. Mike tells a Representative that he loves low voter turnout and thus opposes HB 117. But he does […]
Deep Electioneering Thought II
I can’t believe some Delaware Democrats are going to vote for a guy who started a third party in order to try and defeat Mike Barbieri.
Quote of the Day
Now we are seeing the credit card banks — one of Delaware’s most important industries — pleading poor mouth and dire financial straits if Congress put a cap on the top interest rates they charge customers. And in typical Delaware Way special interest response, Sens. Tom Carper and Ted Kaufman voted against the idea. [snip] […]
School Board Elections By The Numbers
First let’s look at the total number of voters per district. Please keep in mind that some elections featured multiple races, so don’t add the numbers together. For instance, a total of 2,163 people voted in Red Clay. Brandywine: 1,030 Red Clay: District C – 2,163 and District E – 2,163 Appoquinimink: 579 Christina: District […]
Sports Betting Passes. Markell to Sign Bill This Week.
The Delaware State Senate today passed the sports betting legislation, 17 yes, 2 no, and 2 (Adams, Simpson), not voting. The Governor’s office released the following statement: DOVER — Governor Jack Markell today thanked the legislature for passing the bill that would reactivate a sports lottery in Delaware and for bringing the state more than $50 […]
Ken Salazar to Annex Delaware
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart M – Th 11p / 10c Ken Salazar thedailyshow.com Daily Show Full Episodes Economic Crisis Political Humor Last night Ken Salazar was on the Daily Show and about 4 minutes in he claims that he wants to make the whole state of Delaware into a national park. Funny stuff. […]
The Gasp you just heard was from the offices of Blue Hen Promotions
Governor Markell: Delaware State Government Will Open Checkbook to Public DOVER – Following through on his promise to make Delaware state government more transparent, Gov. Jack Markell announced today that Delawareans will soon be able to go online to see how their tax dollars are spent. “During these historically challenging financial times, it is critical […]
SB1 Voted Out of Committee
DWA has excellent play by play live blogging. 250 pm: Now debating SB 58. This bill, in a nutshell, would mean that the AG’s office would have to start representing the citizens in FOIA requests as opposed to the state agency. This has been controversial the past few years. The AG’s office, when it receives […]
Mike M to Quit Blogging?
It is too soon to write the obit, but DWA will be missed if it happens. He is a first class pain is the ass. Sometimes that bugs the crap out of you and sometimes that is just what the doctor ordered.
UPDATED: The Budget Middle Way
I have an email out to the Gov’s office asking for his take on the Kowalko/Liberalgeek plan. I have to think that the sheer practicality of some of the suggestions made will carry some weight. – jason330 Governor Markell has always said that the last thing that he wants is to have to cut state […]
Hey Everyone, Look At Me!
As my inaugural post, I’d thought I’d post an interview with Delaware Liberal‘s newest contributor. Why you? What are your qualifications? Well, I think Delaware Liberal wants to bring a diversity of voices and opinions. I’m probably different than the regular contributors: I’m not a Delaware native or even a long-time Delaware resident. I’m still […]
Welcome DelawareLiberal’s Newest Contributor… Unstable Isotope
You already know the newest member fo the DL contributor list from the various beat downs and ass kickings that UI has laid on wingnuts trying to talk science. Now the patented Unstable Isotope brand pwnage of wingnuts will be a regular feature. With UI onboard, DL has all the pieces in place to take […]
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