Tag: Delaware

Small State

Filed in Delaware by on November 2, 2008 7 Comments

I know this kid quoted in this NJ article about the 2008 Student/Parent Mock Election Convention. A fellow delegate from MOT Charter, Fxxxxx Sxxxxxx, was quick to voice his opinions, too. “I want John McCain to win because I think he has more experienced, and I think Obama is a socialist,” said 10-year-old Sxxxxx. He […]

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Another Fishy KWS Lie

Filed in Delaware by on November 1, 2008 25 Comments

Brian Shields, of The Mourning Constitution, has blown a huge hole in the excuse that Karen Weldin Stewart campaign manager, Elliot Jacobson gave for her defaulted credit cards.  Her campaign racked up debt before it existed.  Good trick.

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DelawareLiberal.Net Down-Ticket Endorsements: The Senate

Filed in Delaware by on October 31, 2008 1 Comment

The following are DelawareLiberal’s endorsements for the State Senate. A lack of an endorsement should signify nothing besides a lack of information on our part.

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Late Nite Oddity

Filed in National by on October 31, 2008 11 Comments
Late Nite Oddity

Why didn’t O’Donnell think of this? The picture is real and not a parody. h/t Gen JC Christian

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DEwind: The Week That Was October 20th

Filed in Delaware by on October 27, 2008 9 Comments

Wherever Kavips is getting his amphetamines it is fine with me, because right now he is Delaware’s Most Prolific blogger. But today, I’ll only focus on his Workforce Housing post from earlier in the week. But with little contention worth mentioning, here is the scoop from the meeting… Work force housing is a done deal. Stays […]

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Delaware Liberal General Election Endorsements

Filed in Delaware by on October 27, 2008 55 Comments

We’ll just skip US Senate because it will come as no surprise to anyone that DelawareLiberal is endorsing Joe Biden. It won’t come as any surprise that DelawareLiberal is endorsing Jack Markell and Matt Denn for Governor and Lt. Governor, respectively. Even though there isn’t much surprise and there isn’t much doubt as to outcome, […]

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O’Donnell LOLCAT

Filed in Delaware by on October 26, 2008 15 Comments
O’Donnell LOLCAT

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Filed in Delaware by on October 25, 2008 3 Comments

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Liveblogging a Bill Lee Town Hall Meeting

Filed in Delaware by on October 24, 2008 6 Comments

I just got the call from Bill Lee to be in a town hall meeting.  I’m going to liveblog it as it goes. So far he sounds a little tired and apparently Markell is personally wealthy. 7:27 talking about small businesses.  The questioner sounded like a plant. 7:30 Angry Red Clay school district grandparent calling […]

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Copeland LOLCAT

Filed in Delaware by on October 24, 2008 3 Comments
Copeland LOLCAT

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DL Free Lunchtime Video

Filed in National by on October 24, 2008 0 Comments

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Why Does Rick Jensen Hate Democracy ?

Filed in Delaware by on October 23, 2008 1 Comment

Somehting has been bothering me about Rick Jensen’s unhinged wingnuttery and Dave Neiwert at Orcinus nails it. Sometimes you have to wonder what Republicans have against democracy. Because that’s what this whole “voter fraud” foofara is about. John McCain and Sarah Palin and Lou Dobbs and the rest of the right-wing torch brigade that have […]

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Greenpeace Misses the Point About Castle

Filed in Delaware by on October 23, 2008 1 Comment

This is why it is hard to run against Castle… However, Greenpeace organizer Joseph Stewart praised incumbent Rep. Mike Castle, R-Del., and his Democratic opponent Karen Hartley-Nagle at the press conference that followed. He said Delaware was fortunate both candidates “recognize the threat that global warming poses to our communities” and both With friends like […]

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