Tag: Delaware

Entitlement Reform

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 22, 2008 1 Comment

It has gotten bad.  The economy is in a shambles, well-respected companies are being consolidated into oblivion, people are working harder for less buying power.  The culprits in some of these cases are entitlements. CEOs, CFOs and the like all feel that they are entitled to tens of millions of dollars as a payment for […]

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The First Debate: Education

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 20, 2008 19 Comments

Attendees of the debate tonight between Democratic gubernatorial Jack Markell and John Carney on Education pretty much filled the lower space of the Grand and there were some folks who ventured up to the (cordoned off) area upstairs. Markell supporters were very visible – ranging from the kids outside with signs and cheers (having some […]

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Chris Bullock Abandons Race for House Seat

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 19, 2008 38 Comments

So, I know someone here is connected enough to the story to tell the details. What are they? Nancy Willing reported the advance notice last night. The WNJ has abit more info. I’m not yet backing a candidate here, but this whole business looks a little strange, and certainly smells as though there is more […]

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Now this is biased reporting!

Filed in Delaware by on March 14, 2008 4 Comments

DOVER — Senate Republicans, frustrated by what they see as foot-dragging on their package of bills to force state agencies to open their finances — and their checkbooks — to public scrutiny, are trying to do an end run around the Senate and its desk-drawer veto. How’s that for an opening paragraph? It’s all the […]

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I Must Have Missed This Post Over at DelawarePolitricks

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 5, 2008 4 Comments

Let me first admit that I haven’t read the report yet, although I will tonight.  I just wanted to scoop Dave on Delaware placing #4 in government performance.  The study was conducted by The Pew Center on the States and Governing Magazine and focused on money, people, infrastructure and information.  I’m sure Dave was on […]

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If You Thought Protack is a Trainwreck, Get a Load of Rob Foraker

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 3, 2008 22 Comments

I am still stunned.  Go over to DWA and check out the link for the Rob Foraker video, then read the comments section.  Jason is right, even money vs. Protack.

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Around The Horn Friday: Last of the Red-Hot Posters

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 22, 2008 16 Comments

I’d like to start this post with an announcement, of sorts. This will be the last Around the Horn Friday that will be in this exact format. I started doing ATHF over a year ago when Jason took his leave of this place for a few months. It is taxing and rewarding at the same […]

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The Other Republican Candidate: A DelDOT CPA

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 14, 2008 0 Comments

Dave Graham, an employee at DelDOT has thrown his hat into the ring. In no time, Mike Protack will be helping us out with dirt on Mr. Graham. Sockpuppets of the world, unite!

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Carper = Spineless Fu@@ers!

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 12, 2008 15 Comments

Well it’s nice to know how Tom Carper feel about immunity. I can’t think of a better word to describe him other than spineless. The government asks the Phone Companies to break the law and spy on us, they do, subsequently they are breaking the law. Well I guess the way Carper sees it, that’s […]

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Wanna Run Against Harris McDowell?

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 11, 2008 8 Comments

Here’s your first commercial. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEhKLQi9PfI[/youtube] You’re welcome. More to come for Charlie Copeland and Thurman Adams.

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Around The Horn Friday: The Open Source Edition

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 8, 2008 18 Comments

To be real honest, Around the Horn is painful sometimes.  I enjoy it because it expands my mind and view, but it really does take some time.  Usually, I sit in front of the TV on a Thursday night surfing around to pick out the posts that I think are interesting, or related and preferably […]

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Primary Day in Delaware

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 5, 2008 4 Comments

It’s 7AM. The polls have just opened. Go out and vote. Don’t do it later. Don’t do it when you get a spare minute. Do it now. Tonight DelawareLiberal will be out and about at the Clinton (Grotto’s in Newark) and Obama (Joe’s Crab Shack in Wilmington) gatherings to watch the results come in. We […]

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Around The Horn Friday: Super-Duper Friday Edition

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 1, 2008 28 Comments

I don’t know about you, but super duper Tuesday is one of the dumbest names of an event in the history of events. Now I really hate the MSM. With the primary looming, people are weighing in left and right. On the left, the Obama camp is so happy that Tommywonk has endorsed Barack that […]

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