Around The Horn Friday: The Open Source Edition

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 8, 2008

To be real honest, Around the Horn is painful sometimes.  I enjoy it because it expands my mind and view, but it really does take some time.  Usually, I sit in front of the TV on a Thursday night surfing around to pick out the posts that I think are interesting, or related and preferably both.  Generally, by the time it is all said and done, I’ve burned between 2 and 3 hours.  After the long week of politicking and blogging (not to mention work) I just don’t have it in me.

But my mind still works.  I thought that this week, I would let you do Around the Horn for me.  So here are the rules:

  1. Surf around the Delaware blogosphere.  Try a blog that you visit infrequently or your second favorite (besides DL)
  2. Find an interesting post that went up in the past week.
  3. In the comments section enter the URL of the post along with a short description of what you like or hated about the post.
  4. You may do more than one interesting post in a single comment.
  5. You may not quote yourself.
  6. You do not have to have a blog to participate, new commenters are welcome.
  7. Check back throughout the day to see what has turned up.

Have fun.  If you don’t know how to make a link, just paste the address into the comment and I’ll linkify it for you.

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  1. TommyWonk says:

    kavips has posted this sports metaphor on the McDowell hearings :

    BREAKING: NFL Commissioners Annul SuperBowl Results Pending Further Study

    In a largely unknown formality, the NFL Commissioners met today to sanction the results of Sunday’s game. Usually they meet, agree to accept the games outcome, and it can then become official.

    Apparently one of the group voted no, and since the vote has to be unanimous, the identity of the champion is in limbo.

    “This is outrageous.” said Commissioner Kowalko. “Almost 100 million watched it live. All of them saw with their own eyes that it was won by the Giants”.

    “Not so fast”, said NFL detractor McDowell. “There are calls that may have been overlooked during the actual game which could possibly annul a touchdown and switch the game around completely, giving the unbeaten New England Patriots, their perfect record after all.”

  2. disbelief says:

    As with most other tasks, its more fun if someone else does it. Plus, senior management is looking at this slick evasion as an excuse to reduce your blog-bonus this year, Geek. It is rumored that this failure to post the always-entertaining Around The Horn puts you in bed with the do-nothing appointees of Minner.

  3. jason330 says:

    That’s great stuff from Kavips.

    I’m going to read and commment on…..?…..Hube.

    Now I’m off to the land beyond the edge of the map where mosters dwell.

    See yoo’s later with some monster poop.

  4. jason330 says:

    Oh jeez.

    I can’t do Hube. I’ll surf around and come back with something.

  5. anon says:

    Hube still has a blog?

  6. anon says:

    No specific posts, but the cumulative weight of all the angst-ridden posts on the right (FSP, RedState) is simultaneously gratifying and pathetic.

    The conservative base just can’t figure out what hit them.

    For decades the GOP has been successful by moving ever-rightward – races were usually a contest to see who could be the most right-wing, or who could successfully tag their opponent as a “liberal.”

    But now that game is over.

    What has happened is that conservative policies have irrefutably produced disaster on a major scale, and the country is moving back to center. The GOP primaries chose arguably their most liberal candidate, and the Dem primaries are moving toward the “most liberal Senator.”

    In their blind confusion and agony the conservative base thinks it will be saved if only it could find a more perfect conservative, or a new Reagan. They are like a mortally wounded soldier calling out for his mother.

    Return to conservative principles, they say. But conservative principles are what got us to this point. America no longer has the stomach for them.

  7. Joe M says:

    Ryan at Liberal Delight announces his support for a candidate through video.

    10 points for the choice
    8 points for the reasons
    3 points on delivery =P

  8. Joe M says:

    Also, Common Sense Political Thought has a classic joke.

  9. Rebecca says:

    I have never heard that one — it’s a good ‘un.

  10. Joe M says:

    Wow, only two people putting up links. That’s a pretty poor showing for readers of a blog that has linked the rest of us so many times….

    ah, Catholic Guilt finally comes in handy 🙂

  11. Delaware Dem says:

    I did not want to link to myself, but here is an interesting story:

    Did anyone notice the NJ headline? Now do you think conservatives are embracing McCain? No.

  12. Ryan Mc says:

    Although I am biased to think my post is the best this week because it is in VIDEO, I will follow the rules 😉

    Its Ryan S’ Birthday! That constitutes awesomeness so here is his post:

  13. Joe M says:

    I already posted a link to yours, Ryan 🙂

  14. Happy Birthday Ryan, and many more 🙂

  15. X Stryker says:

    Dana reminds us what a fraud that Romney was.

    Now that I followed the rules, is it OK if I mention my new blog?

  16. X Stryker says:

    (Click on my name to see it – I linked back to Delaware Liberal!)

  17. liberalgeek says:

    Added to the blogroll. Welcome back, X.