Tag: Energy and the Environment
Offshore Wind: The Rest of the Country is Starting to Notice
The LA Times has an article about a report presented to the 25x’25 summit in Virginia that says that offshore wind could provide more electricity than the US currently uses. The biggest wind potential lies off the nation’s Atlantic coast, which the Interior report estimates could produce 1,000 gigawatts of electricity — enough to meet […]
Happy Easter from The SEU
This morning I attended the second meeting in a month of the Sustainable Energy Utility (SEU) Oversight Board. The big news that came out of this meeting was that a final contract had been negotiated with Applied Energy to be the Contract Administrator. The CA is responsible for the actual work of the SEU. The […]
Municipal Funding of Solar Panels
Now this is innovative and interesting thinking: The goal behind municipal financing is to eliminate perhaps the largest disincentive to installing solar power systems: the enormous initial cost. Although private financing is available through solar companies, homeowners often balk because they worry that they will not stay in the house long enough to have the […]
New DNREC Role: Getting to the True Costs of Energy
Tommywonk tells us about a directive Gov. Jack Markell has made to the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) to take a place at the table as the Public Service Commission evaluates Delmarva Power’s Integrated Resource Plan. (More info on past IRP process here.) As Tommy points out, this is an excellent […]
Busy Friday Morning?
I am planning on attending the SEU meeting on Friday morning. Who is with me? 9:00-10:30AM U of D Perkins Student Center Kirkwood Room They will be discussing the Fiscal Agent RFP and getting an update on the Contract Administrator negotiations. Plus it is fun to see who gets kicked out and who gets to […]
No Country For Clean Coal
The Reality Campaign has lured the Coen Brothers into making a commercial to mock the whole idea of “clean coal”: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFJVbdiMgfM[/youtube] Their signature dry (and quirky) humor is on full display here, but I’m not so sure how well this works for a 30 second commercial. But they’ve also got a blog to help you […]
Delaware Joins the Climate Prosperity Project
WDEL has audio of Gov. Markell’s announcement here. The effort to grow a greener economy in Delaware stepped up its profile today with Gov. Markell’s announcement that Delaware is the only state to be invited to join the Climate Prosperity Project. According to the NJ, this group: The Climate Prosperity Project, sponsored by the Rockefeller […]
Gulf States Taking Lead on Clean Energy Investments
The NYT did an article almost a month ago showing how the Gulf States are looking beyond their carbon riches to thoughts of becoming a clean energy exporter: So even as President-elect Barack Obama talks about promoting green jobs as America’s route out of recession, gulf states, including the emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, are […]
The SEU: New Characters, Same Script
This morning I attended the SEU oversight board’s February meeting. A few days ago I got an email from the guy responsibe for notifying those of us on the SEU mailing list of impending meetings. The email included an agenda and the location/time of the meeting. When I arrived, I asked for and received a […]
Greenpeace Misses the Point About Castle
This is why it is hard to run against Castle… However, Greenpeace organizer Joseph Stewart praised incumbent Rep. Mike Castle, R-Del., and his Democratic opponent Karen Hartley-Nagle at the press conference that followed. He said Delaware was fortunate both candidates “recognize the threat that global warming poses to our communities” and both With friends like […]
John Kowalko to Host Energy Efficiency/Conservation Workshop
John Kowalko is a much better public servant than I can ever hope to be. He sent me a list of initiatives and services to his constituents last week. He asked me to get some of it up to get the word out on programs available to help Delawareans deal with issues affecting their lives. […]
Off-Shore Drilling Circus Begins
The economic news and anxieties are certainly dominating the news today, but the off shore drilling circus starts in earnest today. On Friday,though, there was a bipartisan Energy Summit brought up by the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse asks a key question to put all of this in context: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnJAIeEgjSM[/youtube] […]
LiberalGeek Reports From the SEU RFP Meeting
Sorry that I haven’t posted on this earlier, but my weekend was very enjoyable and made a long post difficult to write. My schedule cleared at work on Thursday so I was able to break away for a few hours to get out to the public comment meeting for the RFP that the SEU is […]
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