Tag: Fox News
Sean Hannity’s Pants Are On Fire
Media Matters brings us yet another story of Sean Hannity cropping and distorting Obama’s words in order to bash him. This one is pretty blatant. Hannity aired the following clip: GARRETT: In your speech this morning, you said the Cold War reached its conclusion because of the actions of many nations over many years. Mr. […]
I Wonder if This Guy Manages a Pool in His Off Hours?
Why do I keep hoping that the Republicans eventually “get it”? I think it must be a weakness in my personality.
FOX Busted!
This is not fair and balanced any which way you cut it: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC2DJR8IJLo[/youtube] And for all of the Democrats who rush to talk to these propagandists, you won’t be in much of a position to yell about how they treat you when you know up front that they won’t be honest about their reporting. (another […]
FOX’s Shep Smith Talks Torture
I won’t ruin the surprise. Just watch the video. (NSFW) Bet that little warning caught your attention! Here’s a longer version of the video. Shep’s days at FOX may be numbered. Listen to the examples he cites in reference to cherrry picking information. Color me impressed.
Quote of the Day II
Major Asshat . . . oops I mean . . . . Major Garrett of Faux News asked the following question to President Obama last night. Pay close attention to the second paragraph. Good evening, Mr. President. Thank you. Taking this economic debate a bit globally, senior Chinese officials have publicly expressed an interest in an […]
Has Hell frozen over? Fox News vs. McCain
This can’t be good for the McCain camp. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OviYjJWIYbY[/youtube] (Longer video in link) Now, as much as I love Olbermann and Maddow this sort of interview has to be far more effective coming from Fox News. If the “Lie” meme takes off (and it looks like that is already happening) then Fox News will deserve […]
Sigh, thank god for bloggers
Fox News Anchor’s Son, Peter Doocy, Asks John McCain About Hillary’s Drinking On Hardball College Tour as if there was any doubt Fox News was capable of this….again
Suck on this FSP
Good GOD! If this doesn’t wake you up on Fox News I don’t know what will… [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3BDvfAf2c4[/youtube] Von Cracker sent me this….What say you now FSP? Fair and balanced?
Damn this article has everything…
One more reason I won’t be voting for Hillary…. More recently, Mr. Murdoch donated $500,000 to the former president’s Global Initiative and was one of its featured panelists at a 2005 event in New York. In 2006, The Post issued a surprising endorsement of Mrs. Clinton in her Senate re-election bid. On June 5 and […]
One more reason to hate huge corporations…
By taking advantage of a provision in the law that allows expanding companies like Mr. Murdoch’s to defer taxes to future years, the News Corporation paid no federal taxes in two of the last four years, and in the other two it paid only a fraction of what it otherwise would have owed. During that […]
ho hum, more Fox News crap to anger you
One leader of the Congressional movement to limit ownership was Senator Trent Lott, Republican of Mississippi. But in the end, he, too, agreed to the compromise. It turns out he had a business connection to Mr. Murdoch. Months before, HarperCollins, Mr. Murdoch’s publishing house, had signed a $250,000 book deal to publish Mr. Lott’s memoir, […]
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