Tag: Gay Marriage
BREAKING: Gay Marriage Is Legal!

The Supreme Court has declared that same-sex couples have a right to marry anywhere in the United States. Gay and lesbian couples already can marry in 36 states and the District of Columbia. The court’s ruling on Friday means the remaining 14 states, in the South and Midwest, will have to stop enforcing their bans on same-sex marriage.
Anti-Gay Supreme Court Argument Claims Marriage Is Only About Children

“The state doesn’t have an interest in love and emotion at all,” Mr. Bursch said. “It’s about binding children to their biological moms and dads.”
Several justices were intensely skeptical of that rationale, noting that many gay couples have children. These justices also seemed unpersuaded by Mr. Bursch’s contention that altering the definition of marriage would harm the institution.
This has to be the weakest argument they could choose. It’s so limiting. It also leads to this argument: If marriage is about “binding children to their biological moms and dads” then should people who do not want children, or cannot have children even be allowed to marry? If this argument is accepted then wouldn’t that redefine marriage, far more than gay marriage? It also merges quite nicely with the Republican’s forced birth-anti birth control platform.
It’s Not About Gay Wedding Cakes. It’s About A National Religion

Take a good long look at this story.
MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga.– Brittany Cartrett recently learned some bad news from her doctor about her pregnancy. She miscarried around five or six weeks along.
“So we made the decision to not do a D&C and to get a medicine. So he said I’m going to give you this medicine, you’ll take it, and it will help you to pass naturally so that you don’t have to go the more invasive route”, said Brittany Cartrett.
The doctor’s office called the Milledgeville Walmart to fill the prescription but they were told no and they were not given a reason.
“So we found another place to fill it but I still had to go up there to get another prescription so when I went up there she asked if I had any questions about this prescription I said no I don’t but I do have a question about the other one. And she looks at my name and she says oh, well…I couldn’t think of a valid reason why you would need this prescription“, Cartrett said.
The drug in question is Misoprostol, which can also used to induce abortions. [emphasis mine]
Everyone okay with a pharmacist overruling an actual doctor’s orders and diagnosis? Everyone okay with a pharmacist deciding, without examining you (not that they would even be capable of that) or knowing your medical condition, if you have a “valid reason” for the prescription decided upon by an actual doctor?
Republicans knew what they were doing making this about wedding cakes and photographers – they knew most people would shrug at cakes, flowers and wedding photos while missing the end game. These pharmacist “conscience clauses” are simply another way to achieve the same end. Religious Discrimination.
All my marriage equality cartoons
Well, the sun rose today outside my tiny house in Bear, so I guess that means gay marriage wasn’t as big a deal as all the haters made it out to be. It’s been a long road to get to this moment, and a trail of my gay marriage cartoons tells the tale.
Brian Bushweller A Yes For HB 75
Senator Brian Bushweller has announced in a letter to constituents who have contacted him about the upcoming vote on HB 75, the Marriage Equality bill, that he will be voting yes. Come inside to read his letter.
Happy New Year Delaware!

When it comes to the end of the year, I’ve always preferred to look ahead, and with Governor Markell saying he expects Delaware to take up marriage equality, 2013 is already looking bright and promising.
Chris Christie: Less Superman, More Clark Kent

By vetoing a same-sex marriage bill that a majority of New Jerseyans supported, Christie has proven who the true leaders are – Republican party officials that hate the whiff of anything gay.
Now We Know What Caused The Earthquake
Apparently gay marriage is responsible for yesterday’s earthquake along the East Coast. So says Rabbi Yehuda Levin. Levin, who is involved with NOM (the anti-marriage equality group), claims that the quake, which was centered in Eric Cantor’s House district, was retribution from G-D. “The Talmud states, ‘You have shaken your male member in a place […]
Prop 8 Supporters Define Marriage Through Children
For all you married people without children… you don’t have a “real” marriage. Those supporters filed their first brief on Friday. In it, they argue that marriage is inherently defined by the ability of heterosexual couples to procreate. “The essential question in this case, then, is whether such unions [opposite-sex marriages] possess distinguishing characteristics that […]
Texans Living In Sin?
This is too funny. Barbara Ann Radnofsky, a Houston lawyer and Democratic candidate for attorney general, says that a 22-word clause in a 2005 constitutional amendment designed to ban gay marriages erroneously endangers the legal status of all marriages in the state. The amendment, approved by the Legislature and overwhelmingly ratified by voters, declares that […]
An Old Dog Learns A New Trick?

Senator Arlen Specter today called for the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act in Huffington Post reports The New York Times. The time has come to repeal the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Enacted 13 years ago when the idea of same sex marriage was struggling for acceptance, the Act is a relic […]
Live Free and Watch Gay Marriages
Same-sex marriage legislation has been sweeping the country with New Hampshire as one of the latest to go “queer”. That said, I think the situation has kind of gotten out of hand in the Granite State. Less than two weeks after legalizing gay marriage in the state, New Hampshire legislators enacted a new law Tuesday […]
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