Tag: Health Insurance Reform
Baucus Has Lost His Ever-Lovin’ Mind
No public option plus a mandate that everyone buys insurance plus a fine of up to 3,800.00 for those who don’t purchase insurance equals disaster… and protests Tea Baggers could only dream of achieving.
Health Insurance Reform — Where We Are Now
One of the things that is true about the discussion about this reform effort is that too few people really understand what is currently in the bills drafted. Part of that is because we get distracted by the misinformation about death panels, government taking over medical care and the other litany of lies that fired up the teabaggers over the last month.
Newsweek Debunks Some of the Biggest Lies About Health Insurance Reform
Very good — too bad there has not been more of this and certainly too bad that this info has not been in nonstop rotation on cable.
Five Myths About Health Care Round The World
While conservatives are busily abandoning the moral imperative of the 8th Commandment (and doing so in a pretty ugly way), T.R. Reid provides a useful corrective in countering the most prevalent of the fear and loathing being manufactured based upon the health care systems in other countries.
More Like This Please!
A Republican Iowan tells Sen Grassley that Grassley’s constituents want a Public Option. This is very good on many levels and this ad will be running in multiple Iowa markets and DC.
The Impact HR 3200 Would Have for Delaware
Congressman Waxman’s Energy and Commerce Committee has complied a district by district assessment of the impact of HR 3200, America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009. For Delaware (pdf):
Bill Moyers on Real Time
Bill Moyers is always great to listen to. He is especially interesting on the relationship of Progressives to the Democratic Party and the relationships of he Party to health insurance issues.
Bill Maher Covers the Health Insurance Debate
Smart, funny and some of the language is NSFW. Dana Gould really hits the heart of what passes for the debate on this right now — lots of yelling a spittle on whatever the wingnut fear and resentments are and then there are the people just trying to take care of themselves.
Next They’ll Be Threatening To Hold Their Breath
Watching Republicans is like watching a bratty kid’s temper tantrum. Here’s another fun detail from last night’s Americans For Prosperity teletown hall, which featured Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) and Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN). Both politicians said that if a health care bill passes, it should be actively fought and resisted through a collective effort of […]
Facts Make A Difference In Health Care Debate… And Poll Numbers
Geez, ya think? [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWGz7QoKIek[/youtube]
Bloggers Make A Difference!
Look what we can do when we set our minds to it! A fundraiser launched by progressive bloggers as part of an increasingly aggressive response to White House backsliding on health care reform has out-raised any such effort in the past. Donations in support of Democrats who back a public insurance option as part of […]
Has The Death Of The Public Option Been Greatly Exaggerated?
Ezra Klein seems to think so. As long as we’re talking strategy, it’s also worth saying a bit about how these pieces fit together in the legislative process. There are three distinct phases left to complete: First, the bills have to clear the House and the Senate. That means going through committees, overcoming a filibuster […]
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