Tag: Immigration
My Anger With Stalling Immigration Reform

We’ll start with the simple popularity of immigration reform. This issue is the epitome of how entirely feeble America’s Congress is right now. By broad margins, Americans support the idea of immigration reform, easier pathways to citizenship, stronger border enforcement, and more. Unfortunately, because it’s an issue that people usually believe doesn’t affect them, why vote for candidates who have anything to do with it? Jobs, healthcare, the budget deficit, education, and security all rank higher than the only issue congress ACTUALLY has a semi-bipartisan proposal for. Congrats America.
Take a Look at How Far the GOP Has Fallen
This is a 2.5 minute video clip of part of a debate between GHW Bush and Ronald Reagan:
Senator Tom Carper Wants to Hear from You on Immigration

This info comes from an email that I received from Senator Carper’s office — I imagine lots of you got this too. I’m posting this to encourage you to contact the Senator’s office and make sure he knows your thoughts on this.
What Guest Worker Programs Look Like
Last week, there was a surprise strike at multiple McDonald’s restaurants in Central PA — of student guest workers from Asia and Latin America who are here on J-1 visas. First, though, I’m pretty stunned that these restaurants can’t find workers closer to home. It isn’t as though we don’t have millions of people looking for work, but I’d love to know why it is so difficult to hire American fast food workers.
President Obama in Las Vegas Today Talking About Immigration
This is scheduled for 3PM Eastern. President Obama will be in Las Vegas today to speak on his plan for reforming the immigration system. I imagine this will be covered just everywhere, but right now, you can count on CSPAN and the White House site for live streaming if you are at work. The media preview of this is fairly thin, but here’s the WaPo:
Next Up — Immigration Reform
This week will be very interesting on this front — as a bipartisan group of 8 Senators will release a plan to address issues with illegal immigration today and President Obama will release a plan tomorrow in Las Vegas. This comes after an election where Hispanics decisively voted for Barack Obama and the GOP spent a great deal of time demonizing them. While fixing the undocumented immigrant problem is indeed important, keep in mind that Democrats want to solidify their relationship to Hispanics and the GOP wants to start one. This deal would cover border security, a path to citizenship for approx. 10M people, and work visas for high tech workers. From the LA Times:
The Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction
The truth really is stranger than fiction. More than your standard GOP closet case.
What’s A Governor to Do?

Arizona governor Jan Brewer’s lawsuit against the Obama administration over the security of the border with Mexico has been tossed by the courts. Brewer’s suit was a counter-claim against the Administration’s suit over Arizona’s draconian immigration enforcement law.
The Illegals are Coming! The Illegals are Coming!
That’s the rallying cry of a group of “concerned state legislators.” The group, State Legislators for Legal Immigration, was founded by State Representative Daryl Metcalfe or Pennsylvania. Metcalfe is a colorful character. In 2009, he held up a resolution declaring October “Domestic Violence Awareness Month” because he claimed that the bill “had language in it […]
Rightwing Wingnut Recalled
AZ Senate President Russell Pearce has been recalled from office. Pearce is the author of the controversial SB 1070, the anti-immigration, “papers please” law that went into effect last year but is now hung up in court. In a swift affirmation of Arizona’s fast growing and powerful new political movement, Secretary of State Ken Bennett […]
Georgia’s Farm Labor Crisis
Georgia’s harsh immigration law worked, it drove away undocumented workers. Now Georgia has 6300 unfilled agriculture jobs and it’s hurting their top industry.
Yet Another Republican Talking Point Proved False
Another Republican talking point is proven false – illegal immigration has dropped dramatically in the last decade.
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