Tag: John Carney

Breaking: John Carney To Run For House Seat

Filed in National by on April 29, 2009 9 Comments

Granted, it is only breaking news if Delawaregrapevine.com is your only source for political news. I guess Celia was feeling burned by not cottoning on to the fact that Carney was running when she made her triumphant return to blogging on April 23rd. Anyway, it is official now. Carney is running. Everyone who has been wondering […]

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Thursday’s Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, National by on April 16, 2009 9 Comments

Tea Parties, John Carney running for Congress, and Charlie Copeland launches another website, oh my! BTW, if you haven’t checked out DV’s video montage of Wilmington’s tea parties you’ve missed some great reporting. (I’ve linked to one, but there’s plenty more!) ‘Bulo gives us another great Republican breakdown, while DelawareDem issues a Thank You and […]

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Poll: Who will John Carney Defeat to become Delaware’s Next Congressman?

Filed in National by on April 16, 2009 6 Comments

Yesterday’s events have convinced me that perenial candidate Mike Protack will be gunning to take out Mike Castle in a primary. Will he pull it off? Of course not. The only way Protack gets on a ballot is if Castle and everyone else quits. Nevertheless – the question of who will face Carney in the […]

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Early National Press Reaction to Carney’s Announcement

Filed in Delaware by on April 15, 2009 6 Comments

After this morning’s excitement of John Carney’s official press announcement of his campaign to unseat Mike Castle in Congress, I thought it might be interesting to see how the political media is reporting on this: CQ Politics Blog provides some good detail and background (along with a decent picture of Carney!): Carney’s candidacy will be […]

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UPDATED: John Carney Should be running for Congress now…today…

Filed in National by on April 1, 2009 28 Comments
UPDATED: John Carney Should be running for Congress now…today…

Mike Castle has given him plenty of ammunition – but it is still going to take a lot of money and ground game to defeat this long serving incumbent. Carney gains nothing by staying on the sidelines. UPDATE: A commenter asks, “Why Carney, why not Scott Spencer?” See the graph below. I put Carney slightly […]

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2010 Statewide Races Predictions WikiPost: 3/12/09

Filed in National by on March 12, 2009 16 Comments

With the first set of polling numbers in, I’m ready to call these two election contests. US Senate Beau Biden vs. Christine O’Donnell Biden will win in a walk and it will not make the front page. All the intrigue will occur prior to the ballot being set. On the Republican side there will be […]

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Breaking: Delaware Senate & House Match-Ups To Be Polled By “Public Policy Polling”

Filed in National by on March 4, 2009 6 Comments

Little Delaware will get some national attention when North Carolina based, Public Policy Polling begins polling in Delaware to determine how Beau Biden fares against Mike Castle in order to see if there’s any chance Democrats don’t keep Biden Sr’s Senate seat in 2010. They will also be polling to see how John Carney might […]

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Carney Outside Govt….For Now

Filed in Delaware by on January 8, 2009 3 Comments

WNJ reports: Lt. Gov. John Carney will take a position in the private sector when he leaves office on Jan. 20, after he said he turned down an offer to serve as the state’s treasurer. Carney will take the post of chief operating officer for Delaware-based Transformative Technologies, a systems engineering and information company that […]

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Carney Setting Up To Run For Congress

Filed in Delaware by on December 3, 2008 17 Comments

It looks like the race to fill Castle’s open seat in 2010 just got it’s first campaigner. Lt. Gov. John Carney has decided “beyond a doubt” that he’s “running for a federal office in 2010,” according to a source close to his campaign operation. He has a couple of private sector job offers that will […]

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DEwind: The Week That Was November 17th

Filed in Delaware by on November 24, 2008 8 Comments
DEwind: The Week That Was November 17th

This past week has been a little slow on the Delaware news as blogged by Delaware bloggers. We’ve had the stories that guessed who would suceed Biden as Senator, even a plea for Beau not to to Iraq and another to say he should and Beau saying he’s not interested in his dad’s seat. Gov.-Elect Markell […]

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Why Carney, Why Now?

Filed in Delaware, National by on November 18, 2008 23 Comments

Ruth Ann Minner must appoint John Carney to the position of US Senator as soon as Joe Biden steps down.  Joe Biden is currently number 5 in seniority in the Senate.  This is a big deal for Delaware.  Joe got his pick of committee assignments, choice accommodations and a bully pulpit for his (Delaware’s) issues. […]

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DEwind: The Week That Changed History

Filed in Delaware by on November 10, 2008 1 Comment
DEwind: The Week That Changed History

There is no reason for me to do an election recap, because it has already been done along with the best headline of the week, More Analysis on Pamela Thonrburg’s “Snatch”. Damn you kavips, damn you! While I’m reading kavips, one would have to be blind regarding the Paradee-Thornburg “re-count” fiasco, However I’m with Al Mascitti on […]

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Jefferson-Jackson Dinner Roundup

Filed in Delaware by on October 13, 2008 18 Comments

Tonight was my first Jefferson-Jackson Dinner and oh what a year to start.  As I travelled down Rt.1 at 5:30 I passed Tommywonk and his lovely date in a convertible with the top down.  Damn, even Tommy looks cool heading out for a great night of wonkiness.  As I walked into the Dover Downs hotel […]

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