Tag: John McCain
Lieberman’s just desserts
It’s about time. Lieberman is nothing more than a sour grapes traitor. (Too strong?) Words cannot express how much I dislike this guy. So if you’re looking for something to do… this petition is worth your time. Will Lieberman’s love affair with McCain lead to his own demise? (God, I hope so!)
Did Charlie Black actually say…?
Okay, we all knew they thought it. But did anyone actually think anyone would be stupid enough to say it out loud? On national security McCain wins. We saw how that might play out early in the campaign, when one good scare, one timely reminder of the chaos lurking in the world, probably saved McCain […]
Who is the real John McCain?
Personally, I consider John McCain the gift that keeps on giving. Honestly, you can’t make this stuff up. Consider this… Right Wing Outraged: McCain Brags Of Supporting Clinton’s Supreme Court Nominees Now consider this… Losing his reputation for independence could prove particularly costly this year. Is anyone happy with this guy? (Besides me!) Which raises […]
Bush Or McCain: On Women’s Health Issues
My Dad sent me this video after reading the “I’m Voting Republican” post by Cassandra. We could make this an ongoing game of Who Said It? I love the format. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7Z4dxjRv4g[/youtube] See how you do on the quiz.
McCain’s Evangelical Problem
There have been rumblings about McCain’s strength among the religious right for months. This article highlights McCain’s problem among evangelical voters. Barack Obama is trying hard to win evangelical voters. Does that effort stand a chance? If one third of white evangelicals voted for Bill Clinton the second time, at the height of Monica Lewinsky […]
Teleprompter Training Required
This video is just so painful to watch. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZaTgNMyw_0[/youtube] This is why people are going to run away from McCain. He doesn’t have any sense of style or presentation skills. Why even put crap like this up on youtube? It is so poorly done that it will not cause anyone to do anything.. except maybe […]
The Verdict on the McCain Speech?
As noted elsewhere, why McCain’s people decided to have him speak on the same night to be compared to two really gifted speakers is beyond understanding. Not just did McCain look not ready for prime time (much less for any leadership position whatsoever), he was in a venue that diminished his message with a crowd […]
Adventures in Maverickyness — Flip Flops Are Not Just for Kids Anymore!
The biggest drawback to the Democrats not officially settled on a candidate is that John McCain gets to fly beneath the press radar, flip-flopping his legacy away, out of view of the folks who nod their heads when they head “moderate” and “McCain” in the same sentence. So now he has flip-flopped — again — […]
I want to have Chuck Hagel’s baby
Okay, I really don’t want to have his baby, but now that I have your attention… I’ve always liked Hagel. He’s the real “straight talker” of the Republican party. And before conservatives try and link my praise to my support for Obama let me point out that I’ve admired Hagel for quite some time. Hagel, […]
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