Tag: Linda McMahon
When You’ve Lost Rowdy Roddy Piper…
you’ve lost the rasslin’ universe. Especially all the Little Hulksters who said their prayers and took their ‘vitamins’. I’m a proud subscriber to Wrestling Observer/Figure Four Weekly. Make of that what you will, armchair psychoanalysts.
Which is where I got this tidbit:
Roddy Piper was not happy about hearing about what Linda McMahon spent: “Can spend 90 million on losing elections but won’t give the people that earned that money for them medical or retirement help of any kind.” (You see, one way that Vince and Linda ‘built this’ was to designate their superstars as ‘independent contractors’, not employees. Hence, no pensions or health insurance. Oh, and WWE owns the monickers for the characters, so the wrestlers get screwed out of royalty money as well.)
The election was not even as close as it appeared last night. As of a few hours ago, Chris Murphy was ahead 55% to 43% or more than any of the polls indicated. A key difference according to analysts in Connecticut is that women voters did not trust her. Male voters were split on whether she was intentionally misleading people in advertising, while women voters overwhelmingly believed that to be the case. So, her own ads helped do her in.
Incumbent Rethug Gov. Will Not Seek Reelection
Maybe I just missed this, but popular incumbent Connecticut Gov. Jodi Rell has announced that she will not seek reelection in 2010. This may be why. This is a likely D pickup, and former Lie-bermann nemesis Ned Lamont is one of the candidates. Hmmm, just musing here. Wonder how Rell polls against Chris Dodd for […]
(Neck-)Breaking News: Rasslin’ Invades the Political Arena!

Both locally (oh, yeah, I’ve got pictures) and nationally! This is so cool that I’m fighting the urge to lapse back into the Third Person to tell this story. You may have read that perennial Rethug hack and aparatchik Ron Poliquin has thrown his hat into the ring for the 31st RD seat currently held […]
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