Tag: Markell
Delaware: The Next Colorado?

We are at a tipping point in the movement for legalization of marijuana, just as the Hate Amendment in California was the tipping point in the marriage equality movement. The latest Gallup poll shows that 58 percent of American favor pot legalization. Kevin Drum predicts that marijuana will be generally legal by 2019. And 24/Wall Street is now out with an article that predicts the next 11 states that will legalize marijuana. Where does Delaware rank among the most 11 most likely states?
What, Exactly, Is Going On In Felton?
SOMEthing is, and it stinks of the Delaware Way. You may have missed it, but Gov. Markell vetoed a Felton charter change yesterday. I’m not sure I can even recall the last time a governor vetoed a charter change, but it doesn’t happen every day. Or even during every administration. But the vetoed change suggests […]
Markell Names Widener Dean to Probe Bradley Fiasco
In a move that absolutely had to be made, Gov. Markell has announced an investigation into the systemic failures that enabled Dr. Earl Bradley to abuse children under his care for years. The Governor has appointed Widener Law School Dean Dr. Linda Ammons to head the probe. From Jeff Montgomery’s News-Journal article: Allegations date to […]
DE Supreme Court Rules Sports Betting Legal
This is Big News. From the Governor’s Office: In their 21 page opinion, the five Justices unanimously concluded that the authorization of a state-controlled “lottery” in the Delaware Constitution is not limited to games of pure chance. Rather, games involving some skill are constitutional as long as chance is the dominant factor. In so doing, the […]
I recently saw a huge Markell supporter who is also a State employee. I asked him how he was feeling these days. “Disillusioned” was his response. It seemed to me that he wanted to really rip into the Governor, but that he still had residual goodwill from the election that kept him from screaming. I […]
Breaking: Markell to Address Joint Session of General Assembly
When the Governor speaks to a joint session of the General Assembly in late April, you can bet it isn’t to swap Easter/Passover stories. In fact, ‘bulo can’t remember the last time that a Governor addressed the GA so late in session before. However, that is precisely what’s going to happen on Tuesday, April 28 […]
Breaking: Markell’s Education Agenda Unveiled
From the Office of the Governor: DOVER — Governor Jack Markell and Lieutenant Governor Matthew Denn joined Senate Education Committee Chair David Sokola and House Education Committee Chair Terry Schooley today to unveil legislation designed to dramatically improve Delaware’s public schools and qualify Delaware for federal dollars that President Obama’s administration will be awarding to […]
The Morning After
March 19, 2009 will forever be remembered as the date that Delaware’s Gilded Age officially ended. An age that was literally ‘built on a house of (credit) cards’ is no more. The same institutions that buttressed Delaware’s financial strength, compliments of the usurious interest rates that Delaware had legalized, imploded and helped lead what in […]
Breaking: 8% Pay Cut Among Markell Proposals
Jack Markell has proposed an across-the-board 8% pay cut for all state employees, including teachers. This would include both merit and non-merit employees and, coupled with benefits reduction and holiday adjustments, will reduce employee compensation by about 10%. The News-Journal’s Ginger Gibson has done a superb job of explaining Gov. Markell’s entire proposal, and you […]
Reminder — Budget and HB1 Events Today
Today is going to be a busy one. Governor Markell is presenting his FY2010 budget today (addressing the massive shortfalls) in a press conference at 1PM in Dover. Not sure whether this will be televised or broadcast on the radio, but will update as I hear it. And this would have been a good opportunity […]
Markell Rolls Out List Of Stimulus Spending Priorities
Please note that these jobs are not real jobs and the money is not real money and the stimulus is not stimulus because it does not involve granting tax breaks to wealthy Republicans. Press Release after the jump.
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