Tag: Movies
My Movie Pitch
I don’t know if you have seen the great documentary film, Super Size Me by Morgan Spurlock, but it is a perfect example of a genre of film and non-fiction where someone takes a simple concept to its extreme to examine the consequences. In the film, Spurlock decides to eat nothing but McDonald’s food for […]
Liberal Things To Do
If you have an open evening on Saturday, you may consider heading over to Theatre N for a screening of Inside Job at 8:30, followed by a Q&A session about the current state of Financial Regulation. One of the people that will participate in the discussion is Greg Wilson, Communications Director with the Delaware Community Reinvestment Action Council. Greg is a great resource for all things FinReg. If you can’t make Saturday night, there are other showings throughout the weekend, but the discussion after the Saturday showing promises to be interesting and enlightening.
Two Political Films You Should See at Theatre N
Directly from the Theatre N Program Manager, two really intriguing-looking films playing this month outside of the theater’s usual weekend rotation that ought to appeal to political junkies:
Top 20 Films Since 1992
According to Quentin Tarantino: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wz4K-Rxx2Bk[/youtube] This is an interesting list — most of his picks (that I’ve seen) are fairly kinetic and/or atmospheric movies that seem to be reflective of a man whose own movies don’t flinch from much. And it is an interesting mix of both film geeky and populist picks. What I think […]
Bulo Remembers 2009-The Year in Movies
A caveat. I am not an avid moviegoer. Give me a film noir on TCM, and I’m happy. With that out of the way, here is a representative sample of Best of 2009 movie lists (or ‘film’, for the academicians) that I enjoyed reading. The movie that clearly resonated most with critics (not necessarily as […]
Friday Open Thread — Halloween Movies Edition

This week, The Daily Beast is featuring the Top 11 Scariest Horror Movies of All Time as selected by the total film geek Martin Scorsese. What is cool about this list is that they also provide some clips of each of the movies Scorsese has selected.
Newark Film Festival
Not a paid announcement, but definitely want to point everyone to one of my favorite Delaware events — the Newark Film Festival. It started yesterday and runs though the 17th with films running at the Cinema Center 3 in Newark. You can see all of the showtimes here.
JMY’s Media For the Masses: Obama School Daze Edition
First we RISE: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJ95FaapL58[/youtube] Herb Alpert-Rise Perhaps we then LISTEN: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fF2vKBjmAkI[/youtube] Doobie Brothers-Listen to the Music (Quote from Robert Christgau: “You can lead a Doobie Brother to the recording studio, but you can’t make him think.”) I mean REALLY LISTEN HARD: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LM8GcPWyE2k[/youtube] Check It Out For Yourself If you don’t you may need Adult Education, and that would be […]
(I’m posting this now, hoping that you Gonzo fans will have a chance to see this info before the VP fireworks.) This is a Public Service Announcement for all of the Hunter S. Thompson geeks out there: Wilmington’s Theater N is playing the recent documentary: GONZO: The Life and Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson […]
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