Tag: National Republicans

Obama is an issue hog

Filed in National by on June 20, 2008 7 Comments

Geez, doesn’t Obama know that 9/11 is a Republican issue? Didn’t he get the memo that said: Democrats must defer to Republicans on National Security and all things 9/11? Obviously not, or he’d never have said… “I refuse to be lectured on national security by people who are responsible for the most disastrous set of […]

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New Republican Slogan: It’s Every Man for Himself

Filed in National by on June 14, 2008 7 Comments

Talk about jumping ship. The Times reports that with the GOP for once running seriously behind Democrats in campaign fundraising, Giuliani is offering to hold fundraisers for down-ticket Republicans. But with an important catch — he gets to keep part of the haul for himself. Geez, with friends like this… Party unity, anyone? Update: More […]

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Libertarians Storming the GOP Gates

Filed in Uncategorized by on May 12, 2008 25 Comments

Today, suddenly, the traditional media is beginning to be all a-flutter about Bob Barr announcing his run for the Libertarian Party nomination and barely concealing their anticipation over Ron Paul supporters monkey-wrenching the Republican Convention. Why a-flutter? Well, here’s Newt: “Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich told The Times today that ‘Bob Barr will make it […]

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Supporting the Troops — IOKIYAR Edition

Filed in National by on April 25, 2008 5 Comments

Nobody ever could have predicted that the upper limit of hypocrisy could continue to find new heights: The wingnut brigade is very slow to signup to theWebb/Hagel GI Bill revision (Warner is also a co-sponsor) But they are lining up to make sure that soldiers cannot buy Playboys at the PX. No words.

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David Vitter’s Judgment Sucks All-Around

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 8, 2008 4 Comments

David Vitter (R-LA) was trying to get away from reporters questions about an affair with a prostitute as fast a possible.  So fast, in fact, that he ran over a sign.  Impaired judgment becomes you, Senator. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88l3H0QyoZI[/youtube]

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The Incredible Shrinking Republican Base, or

Filed in Uncategorized by on March 23, 2008 25 Comments
The Incredible Shrinking Republican Base, or

Who Wants to Be a Republican? This article in today’s NJ documents the increasing weakness of the DE Republican party, noting the serious shift in voter registration from R to D this year. It seems that much of the reasons for the shift are a perception of more excitement on the D side (both for […]

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Franken Takes the Lead in MN

Filed in Uncategorized by on February 21, 2008 10 Comments

Al Franken is now polling ahead of Norm Coleman in the race for Senator of Minnesota.  I have been a huge Al Franken fan for a long time, and I’m overjoyed to think that he might actually get to be the Senator from his home state.  For a great time pick up any of his […]

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Better late than never…I mean, what damage could have been done by the wrong person being elected anyway?

Filed in Uncategorized by on January 18, 2008 4 Comments

Md. to abandon touch-screen voting So what if we elected the wrong person because there may have been Errors, wink wink in the systems of some companies that out right lobbyied for Bush. Hey, just take luxury in the fact that W’s presidency will only be a comma in our nations history.

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When Policy Meets Reality

Filed in Uncategorized by on December 4, 2007 0 Comments

There have been two revelations in the past week or so that bear some reflection and comparison. Last week, researchers announced that they had figured out a way to make stem cells without embryos. This is good for all of us, as it will keep the abortion/right-to-lifers out of the treatment research for Parkinson’s and […]

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In the end the Congress still only serves one group

Filed in Uncategorized by on December 1, 2007 6 Comments

What a joke our congress has become. Just more proof they don’t work for the American people, but actually for the American Corporations. Automakers would be required to meet an industrywide average of 35 miles per gallon for cars and light trucks, including SUVs, by 2020, the first increase by Congress in car fuel efficiency […]

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Ruh, Roh, Romney is in trouble

Filed in Uncategorized by on November 30, 2007 5 Comments

The only reason Huckabee is soaring is because everyone else is flailing. Fourth Person Confirms On The Record That Romney Nixed Muslims In Cabinet “He was asked if he would appoint a Muslim to his cabinet,” Keene told me. “And he said, `Not likely.’ He said flatly that it was highly unlikely that it was ever […]

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The Capitalists Abandon The Republicans

Filed in Uncategorized by on October 16, 2007 0 Comments

I honestly am a bit concerned about this story. The shift in power in Congress has resulted in the lobbyist money shifting from Republicans to Democrats, dramatically in some cases. The article has a major weakness, though. It suggests that industry may not be happy when Congress takes on some serious regulatory issues (greenhouse gases […]

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First hand Proof what Power does to people…

Filed in Uncategorized by on October 5, 2007 2 Comments

Senator Larry E. Craig of Idaho, defying the wishes of many in his own Republican Party, said today that he would remain in the Senate through next year despite a court ruling against him in Minnesota, where he sought to rescind his guilty plea stemming from an undercover sex sting. AWESOME!

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