Tag: Open Thread
Monday Open Thread

It’s your back-to-work open thread time. For a lot of people, today is their first day back at work for 2010. Are you ready? Nate Silver at Fivethirtyeight posted this interesting graph: health care spending per capita vs. life expectancy. The U.S. is a big outlier on the graph. In general life expectancy increases with […]
Weekend Open Thread
Happy palindrome day 01-02-2010! Welcome to the 2nd day of 2010. For me it’s already much better than the 2nd day of 2009. One year ago today I didn’t know if I would have a job in a month. Now the economy still sucks but there are definite signs of improvement. Humor? I don’t get […]
New Year’s Day Open Thread
Well, it’s 2010. May it be better than 2009, probably one of the most miserable years I’ve ever experienced. Although, at least one good thing happened in 2009 – I joined the Delaware Liberal community. Thanks for giving me the opportunity, although I must be responsible for the lame-ification that anonone talks about. 🙁 Anyway, […]
End Of 2009 Open Thread
I can’t say that I’m sorry to see this year go away. The year started out with such promise, with a brand new president but ended up being the year of horrible recession, angry townhallers, celebrity deaths and celebrity/politician sex scandals. Here’s hoping that 2010 is better than 2009! This week we found out that […]
Wednesday Open Thread
It’s Wednesday and it’s open thread time again! I know you’re probably going through withdrawal because we didn’t have one yesterday. Well, your wait is over! Dick Cheney is a dick: “As I’ve watched the events of the last few days it is clear once again that President Obama is trying to pretend we are […]
Monday Open Thread
Hi everyone, did you miss me? Or did you even notice I wasn’t around? Right now I have some blessed alone time and I thought I’d write something. It looks like you’ve all been quite active lately. I guess political junkies don’t go on vacation? Anyway, I caught this interesting statement from the GOP brain […]
Monday Open Thread
I’ll call this a Monday freedom thread since I’ve been freed from my snowbound house. The roads are still treacherous out there so be careful! This week thieves stole the sign at the Auschwitz Camp, the one that said “Arbeit Macht Frei” (Work Sets You Free). Luckily Polish police recovered the sign: Polish police have […]
Weekend Open Thread
It’s time for a snowbound weekend open thread. I’m going to put up my Christmas tree and drink eggnog this weekend. I’ve still got a little bit of Christmas shopping to do, but I guess that will have to wait until Monday. This is interesting: physicists may have detected dark matter in a Minnesota mine. […]
Friday Open Thread

It’s a pre-snow Friday open thread! Don’t forget the War on Christmas party tonight, 7 PM, C.W. Harborside. Bring canned goods to donate to the Food Bank of Delaware. You’ll also get the chance to tell off the DL contributors in person! How can you resist? Remember those funny/strange Michael Steele/RNC intern pictures? Now you […]
Thursday Open Thread
It’s Thursday and it’s open thread time. Remember, tomorrow is DL’s War on Christmas Party. The WOC party starts at 7 p.m. at C.W. Harborside. We’ll be collecting canned goods to donate to the Food Bank. Come on out and forget your troubles for a while! How did I miss this? A Costco in Salt […]
Wednesday Open Thread

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for this week to be over (not just because vacation is coming next week). I’m exhausted for yesterday just from reading the comments. Let’s think about something else. How about the “Top Ten Astronomy Pictures of 2009” from Bad Astronomy. This is my favorite, the skies over […]
Tuesday Open Thread
It’s Tuesday of the seemingly longest week of the year (the week before a 2 week vacation). Let’s open this open thread. Please, if you get a chance, read this fascinating article by James Chartrand. James Chartrand writes about her struggles getting by as writer, until she adopted a man’s pseudonym. I struggled to get […]
Monday Open Thread
It’s Monday so let’s get started on our open thread. How’s your holiday shopping going? Despite my doubts about the new fitness shoe craze, I bought some. I’ve been wearing them and they’re pretty comfortable but my thighs are killing me. Is this a sign they’re working? I find this interesting, especially since Joe Lieberman […]
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