Tag: Open Thread
Black Friday Open Thread

Today is Black Friday, the biggest shopping day of the year. How many of you braved the stores today? I’m happily ensconced on my couch today. I try to avoid shopping on Black Friday if I can, I don’t like the craziness. It’s your open thread so let’s get started. Here is a cool link […]
Wednesday Open Thread
Well, it’s the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and some of us are still at work. It’s open thread time – what are you doing for Thanksgiving? Are you traveling? Doug Hoffman (NY-23) was foiled by ACORN once again. He re-conceded the House race (or is that un-un-conceded?): The Conservative Party candidate conceded a race in upstate […]
Tuesday Open Thread

It’s Tuesday, but it’s really like Thursday because of the short work week. You know you want it – your daily open thread. So what’s up? I think I’ve figured out why Republicans are having trouble figuring out this deficit thing. They aren’t so hot at math: Reporting on the latest Fox News/Opinion Dynamics poll […]
Monday Open Thread
I have a definite case of the Mondays. I had to waste an hour this morning going back home after I got to work because I left my computer at home. Aaaarghhh! I hope your Monday is going better than mine is so far. Anyway, let’s discuss whatever’s on your mind. This is interesting: “7 […]
Friday Open Thread
It’s Friday! It’s the day you’ve been waiting all week to arrive. Not only is it Friday but it’s also open thread time. It’s almost too much excitement! All I can say about this is that David Vitter should be target #1 for national Democrats in the Senate. This is absolutely unbelievable: Vitter graduated Tulane […]
Thursday Open Thread
It’s open thread time – time to talk about whatever you like. Feel free to drop links in the comments or just comment on the weather. Nothing is off-topic! Here’s something to talk about, Joe Biden talked to Jon Stewart on Tuesday. Part 1 The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / […]
Wednesday Open Thread
Is it only Wednesday? It already seems like this week has been too long. It’s open thread time, what’s catching your interest today? I found this amusing – progressive activists crashed an organizing phone for the Teaparty Movement and conservative bloggers. Personally I think the progressive activists are lying, Sarah Palin told us that organizers […]
Tuesday Open Thread
LOL! Warning: Do not be eating or drinking when you read the following, from John Ziegler’s review of Sarah Palin’s new high school slam book: “For many reasons, this is by far the best book and greatest literary achievement by a political figure in my lifetime.” “I strongly believe that if every Republican primary voter […]
Monday Open Thread
Happy Monday all! Can you believe it’s already open thread time? I know you’ve been waiting anxiously for one. Now this is funny. An activist speaks at an anti-immigration tea party against European immigration to the United States. It’s quite amusing because he doesn’t reveal all until the end of his speech. Being a know-nothing […]
Weekend Open Thread
It’s time for your open thread – thread away! Good. THE SUBJECT LINE on the e-mail simply reads, “The End.” As in, the end of the Valley Club, the small, sleepy Huntingdon Valley community pool that was thrust into the national spotlight this past summer, allegedly for discriminating against minority campers who’d signed up to […]
Friday Open Thread
It’s Friday! It’s time for your open thread. So, any cool plans for the weekend? Spill. Well, this is interesting and I say bravo ACORN because they are right in this: The antipoverty group Acorn filed a lawsuit against the federal government on Thursday, saying that the House violated the Constitution by passing a resolution […]
Thursday Open Thread
It’s open thread time! I know you’ve been waiting. I like to keep you all guessing, I’m just crazy like that. Speaking of crazy, Michele Bachmann is now apologizing for the use of Dauchau at her anti-health care reform protest: Rep. Michele Bachmann’s (R-MN) is now distancing herself from the use of Holocaust imagery at […]
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