Tag: Republican Bamboozlement

The Wingnut Freakout Over the Swine Flu

Filed in National by on April 28, 2009 9 Comments

Notwithstanding that this flu business will end up being a smaller deal than the tone of the news would tell you, the wingnuts are in Full Freakout Mode over his thing: Glenn Beck thinks that Obama is reacting to the swine flu outbreak too fast — fast enough to fully staff the DHS while we’re […]

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More Dishonesty on the DHS Extremists Reports — Part II

Filed in National by on April 21, 2009 14 Comments

I want to be really clear about why I don’t think that these Threat Assessments are as threatening to run-of-the-mill wingnuts as they are so very eager to claim. Let’s start with what the US News and World Report wrote back in 2005 n the occasion of a SPLC report on right wing terror: In […]

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More Dishonesty on the DHS Extremists Reports — Part I

Filed in National by on April 20, 2009 5 Comments

I gather that the manufactured outrage of the day is over President Obama shaking the hand of Hugo Chavez. Last week’s manufactured outrage over the DHS Threat Assessments deserves abit more information — especially as the remarkable dishonesty around all of this is being used to not just work the refs but to also try […]

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Fox News Reports on Its Own DHS Hysteria

Filed in National by on April 17, 2009 3 Comments

And Shep Smith does real journalism again. I can’t find an embeddable video of this, but you can see it over at Crooks and Liars and you should watch the whole thing. What he reports is: There was a left-wing extremist report released in January, that we haven’t heard anyone whine about yet.  Any thoughts […]

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Filed in National by on April 3, 2009 1 Comment

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hiaN5FP0R7U[/youtube] Very good!

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The Republican Road to Recovery

Filed in National by on March 29, 2009 1 Comment
The Republican Road to Recovery

From driftglass — The Best Suicide Note Ever: But wait! There’s more interesting riffs on this theme: Been There, Done That (Permanent) Minority Report The Problem is Your Fucking O/S I’m not sure if there will be more in this series, but these are just damn brilliant comments on the vaporware that is the Republican […]

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Another Day, Another Wingnut Conspiracy

Filed in National by on March 25, 2009 3 Comments

Nemski highlighted the crazy question FoxNoise managed to ask President Obama last night, and now I’m reading that the New World Currency is the new right-wing stupidity: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D2jfpHbIITo[/youtube] And, of course, the Chinese are in this for something too — they are heavily invested in the dollar and heavily tied to it.    But count on […]

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“The Party of Ideas'” Hit Their Approach to Governing

Filed in National by on March 11, 2009 13 Comments

So while they’re complaining about the fact that Obama is taking on too much (BTW, Tommywonk has a great post on this here.) and not focusing on the economy, here is what the GOP plans to do to help resolve the crisis: “We will lose on legislation. But we will win the message war every […]

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More Like This Please! — Factchecking Mike Pence

Filed in National by on March 7, 2009 0 Comments

Rick Sanchez from CNN had on Eric Burns from Media Matters to fact check Mike Pence’s claim that he fought against both earmarks and excessive spending by BushCo and the Congress: Dear Liberal Media: Do way more of this. Thanks!

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Talking Point Smackdown — MagLev Edition

Filed in National by on March 4, 2009 3 Comments

This comes via Steve Benen who points us to this delightful bit of business when columnist Dick Spotswood met with Rep. Mary Bono Mack (R) from California: – Met with Republican Rep. Mary Bono Mack from Riverside County’s Coachella Valley. While a social moderate, Sonny Bono’s widow is a solid conservative. Talked to her about […]

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The New Face of the GOP Indeed

Filed in National by on March 4, 2009 7 Comments

Get your coffee and then settle in to see this (I think about 5 or 6 mins long): He already has the FBI looking into a campaign payment to a defunct company owned by his sister. Today we see the full embrace of the movement tactics of just funneling money to your buds. Who knows […]

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GOP Hates Earmarks?

Filed in National by on February 26, 2009 3 Comments

Except the ones they add, of course. Surprised? McClatchy reports that the GOP members of Congress are responsible for about 40% of the earmarks on the omnibus spending bill making its way through Congress. This is the one Mike Pence called for spending freezes on. John Ensign is on record in this article endorsing spending […]

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An Accidental Truth

Filed in National by on February 13, 2009 5 Comments

And it is from a repub, so mark this as a Red Letter Day. And show your kids — this is one of the very few times you’ll hear something truthful from these people.  You’ll have to sit through more whinging about the Fairness Doctrine in this video, but Steele is really correct about this […]

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