Tag: Republican Bamboozlement

The New Wingnut Welfare Gravy Train

Filed in National by on April 22, 2010 0 Comments

I think we’re all pretty familiar with the wingnut welfare system. The Republican party nurtures their young leaders by providing them jobs in bogus think tanks, where they can publish books nobody reads, send out press releases and appear on TV as a ubiquitious “Republican strategist.” Apparently Republicans have found an even newer way to […]

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Teabagger Calls for Killing Liberals

Filed in National by on April 16, 2010 22 Comments

They are who we always thought them to be: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpzeI8sgIHU[/youtube] (Via)

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Teapartiers = Delaware GOP

Filed in National by on April 14, 2010 56 Comments
Teapartiers = Delaware GOP

So apparently the Delaware GOP is on the same path as the rest of their party and publicly get in bed with these teabaggers. The teabaggers are having their annual collective tax pout at the state-funded (the state that collects taxes for just such efforts) Wilmington Riverfront (and other publically funded places throughout the state) […]

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Tina Fey is Back As Sarah Palin!

Filed in National by on April 11, 2010 2 Comments

This time bringing you the hysterical plans for the Sarah Palin Network:

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GOP Donors Are Suckers

Filed in National by on March 29, 2010 40 Comments

If Republican donors were mad about the Palin family clothes grab on donor’s dimes, I wonder how they’ll feel about this: The Daily Caller examines the Republican National Committee’s FEC filings, and discovers a few things that are not likely to go over well with GOP donors. Such as: Once on the ground, FEC filings […]

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In Which We Find the Local GOP Bamboozling Again About Budget Discipline

Filed in National by on March 29, 2010 9 Comments

Today’s installment of GOP bamboozlement comes via the News Journal, where they are now trying to convince people that they want to constrain government spending. You should read the whole thing, but I’m not so sure who this convinces:

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Sunday Afternoon Reading

Filed in National by on March 28, 2010 0 Comments

The Party of Cruelty was written by James Howard Kunstler last week after the HCR was almost a week ago, but I just saw it yesterday. It is a long read, but a truly excellent retort to the apocalyptic fear and loathing ramped up by repubs — not just during the process, but also afterwards. Fear and loathing that is now being expressed in physical threats and in property destruction aimed against lawmakers who voted for this. Make sure you go over there to read the entire thing:

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Radio Ad — Call Mike Castle Hands Off Our Healthcare!

Filed in Delaware by on March 27, 2010 5 Comments

I heard this ad during Al Mascitti’s show this AM — it is a good reminder that Mike Castle is spending his days in DC voting for the interests of his party and for those of various lobbyists. Click through for the ad.

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The Republican Party Works for Fox News

Filed in National by on March 23, 2010 4 Comments

…..so says David Frum goes way past my argument that Republicans govern based on what looks good for Fox News (and how much money they send to their friends). Watch:

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Shep Smith Is Tired of the Overheated Rhetoric Too

Filed in National by on March 22, 2010 8 Comments

…and apparently took RNC Chair Steele to task on this during his show today: The Large Hadron Collider ran through a bunch of tests last week (and will shut down for some maintenance) and the predicted end of the world did not happen. HCR was passed in the House yesterday and the world still spins […]

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Mike Castle’s HCR Response — The Unbelievable Lameness of Faux Moderation

Filed in National by on March 22, 2010 22 Comments

As xstryker noted last night, Mike Castle definitely voted no for HCR and its reconciliation bill. Castle’s office put out a press statement on last night’s historic vote, that should be read in it’s entirety to fully comprehend how badly he is managing to maintain any moderate cred while marching lockstep with his party. But let’s take a look at a few things here:

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Cap and Trade is Not a Tax; or Why Delmarva Dealings Failed His Economics Class

Filed in National by on March 16, 2010 7 Comments

Because in spite of this attempt to invoke this appeal to the authority of a basic economics class (which this person Cato has clearly never had), just claiming that TAXES ARE BAD is just not an argument when dealing with cap and trade. Because cap and trade is not a taxation system, it is an […]

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Christine O’Donnell Announces — A Good Look at the Hypocrisy Train

Filed in National by on March 11, 2010 39 Comments

So have you had a chance to see this announcement? (Link opens up to WDEL video.)

It is completely choice: nonstop wingnut dog whistles and none of it made any sense. AND we see Ms. O’Donnell try to spank Mike Castle for his age, his liberalism, and for not being a real conservative. The best bit, though, is when she takes questions.

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