Tag: Republican Crazy

GOP Meltdown Prediction Thread

Filed in National by on March 2, 2009 43 Comments

Here is my prediction: Within a year from now Rush Limbaugh is going to have Steele fired as the head of the RNC and will replace him with Joe the Plumber or that 13 year old conservative duffus. Nemski writes: LOL, Jason, this just came in over the wire. Here’s a clip of the Grand […]

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CR: God Created Teleprompters For A Reason

Filed in National by on March 2, 2009 12 Comments

This comment rescue comes from our resident spammer, Rebuild the GOP. One thing about Limbaugh’s speech, he didn’t read to the audience, he talked to them. Without a teleprompter Obama is lost. Why use a teleprompter? Mmm, maybe so you don’t confuse the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution? From Limbaugh’s speech: We want every […]

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Ziegler Is Not Only a Bad Sockpuppet, He’s a Bad Date

Filed in National by on March 2, 2009 9 Comments

I really tried to ignore John – or, should I say Konrad? – Ziegler, but with material like the videos below… Another Republican gift that keeps on giving.  And in case you’re tempted to give his public persona a pass, he’s just as bad in his personal life. (h/t The Daily Beast and The Political […]

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Santelli’s Dutch Oven Journalism

Filed in National by on March 2, 2009 10 Comments

Two weeks ago, Rick Santelli couldn’t get arrested. Two weeks from now, Santelli will be an ex-CNBC employee and gainfully employed at Faux News. What a short and familiar trip its been. Back on Feb 19th, Santelli seemed to have a Howard Beale moment, that is if Beale was more concerned with his bank account […]

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Off The Hook

Filed in National by on March 2, 2009 0 Comments

h/t Kentucky’s The Hillbilly Report

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This Is Why They Are Called ‘Wingnuts’

Filed in National by on February 28, 2009 18 Comments

Blue Fields of Indiana pointed me to this little ditty about a man who is suspected of going on a rampage killing two people and critically wounded three others in Florida. What makes this rampage a little more of interest than your run-of-the-mill rampages was his reasons. Neighbor Crystal Lynn says “he did come up […]

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Comment Rescue: Insane Art Downs Edition

Filed in Delaware by on February 28, 2009 24 Comments

Art Downs says: I did drive a Corvair that belonged to my sister and the negative comments by Ralph Nader were so much hokum. The next time you almost accidentally take Art Downs seriously, just remember this is a guy who thinks, “Psssh, Corvair? Totally safe. My sister had one and nobody died.” Discuss.

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Deep Thought of the Day

Filed in National by on February 27, 2009 5 Comments

The Republican Party is to governing as Zsa Zsa Gabor is to marriage — many attempts followed by many failures.

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Bill Kristol sums up the Republican Reaction to Obama’s Speech

Filed in National by on February 27, 2009 7 Comments
Bill Kristol sums up the Republican Reaction to Obama’s Speech

Via Brad DeLong who is the Blogger of the Day for this find: Uploaded with plasq‘s Skitch!

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Would you take medical advice from this man?

Filed in National by on February 27, 2009 19 Comments

Golly gee wilickers, Bobby Jindal sure has some strange ideas about how medicine works. He’s also extremely careful and calculated, personality traits that come out during even the most mundane activities, like taking pills. Jindal, who has a background in biology, medicine and public policy, never follows the directions on prescription medicines. “I always just […]

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Did Someone Put Something In Colorado’s Drinking Water?

Filed in National by on February 27, 2009 18 Comments

The crazy is pouring out of Colorado.  CPAC might consider holding their next conference in the Centennial State. SEN. DAVE SCHULTHEIS, R-Colorado Springs, on Wednesday voted againt Senate Bill 179, which requires pregnant women to undergo HIV testing to ensure steps can be taken to reduce transferring the disease to the baby if the mother […]

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Nemski Did Not Make This Up

Filed in National by on February 27, 2009 26 Comments

The Conservative Political Action Conference is going on now in DC, and TPM reports that the BushCo man whose job it was to actually oppose voting rights — Hans von Spakovsky — is on a panel this weekend titled: “Al Franken and ACORN: How Liberals are Destroying the American Election System.” They’re documenting more of […]

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What A Lying Baby

Filed in National by on February 24, 2009 17 Comments

Talk Left has more, but let me highlight. Rick Santelli, now famous for his CNBC rant, has donned his victim hat while telling a big ol’ whopper.  Get this exchange with G. Gordon Liddy concerning WH Press Secretary Gibbs comments. SANTELLI: He started that press conference saying, “I don’t know where he lives, I don’t […]

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