Tag: Republican Crazy

He Said What?

Filed in National by on December 1, 2010 2 Comments

Rep. Steve King gives his reasons for opposing the USDA settlement to African-American farmers.

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Pre-Chanukah Asshats of the Day

Filed in National by on November 30, 2010 5 Comments

So I’m sitting here chilling to some Celia Cruz (Azucar!) and thought, hey, I haven’t honored anyone lately with an asshat award. And today we have two winners. Our first winner is Eugene Delgaudio, a Republican representing Sterling on the Loudoun County (VA) Board of Supervisors. I think we all read about Pandora’s experience with […]

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Conservatives Rewrite Thanksgiving History

Filed in National by on November 25, 2010 10 Comments
Conservatives Rewrite Thanksgiving History

Conservatives are pushing a new Thanksgiving story – socialism caused the Pilgrims to starve and they were saved by embracing capitalism.

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Gifts for the Person Who Has Everything

Filed in National by on November 23, 2010 101 Comments
Gifts for the Person Who Has Everything

Well, Chanukah starts next Wednesday at sundown, so I thought the email with this gift information was just in time. NOT! Here’s the text from the email: With the holiday season quickly approaching, there’s no better time to visit the GOP Store and find truly unique and inspiring gifts for all the commonsense conservative Republicans […]

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Monday’s Asshats of the Day

Filed in National by on November 22, 2010 1 Comment

Numerous winners today, so I’ll get right to it. First winner, that lard ass of a NJ governor Chris Christie, for demanding that the Delaware River and Bay Authority stop letting employees and retirees get free tolls if they use EZ Pass when crossing the Delaware Memorial Bridge. Only problem is, DRBA doesn’t have such […]

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Are Republicans Purposely Sabotaging The U.S.?

Filed in National by on November 22, 2010 31 Comments

Could Republicans sabotage the nation on purpose for electoral gain?

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Night of the Long Knives and Pitchforks

Filed in Delaware by on November 9, 2010 33 Comments

Well, it didn’t take long for the O’Donnell faction of the GOP to begin the civil war. At last night’s meeting of the Sussex County GOP Committee, Don Ayotte, who is a contributor over at that other political blog (you know the one, the one run by Delusional David) demanded Tom Ross’ head. According to […]

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Friday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on November 5, 2010 4 Comments

Feeling newly empowered, head House teabbagger Michelle Bachmann has been demanding a position in the House GOP leadership. She’s going to be disappointed, because I doubt that The Orange Man wants her to be the spokesperson for the party going into the 2012 election cycle. Anyway, she’ll be gone after 2012 as her district will […]

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Desparate and Stupid

Filed in Delaware by on October 26, 2010 7 Comments

What can we say about O’Whack-a-Mole’s political commercials. To me, their amateurish at best. My guess is that her ambulance-chasing former campaign manager set her up with some media shop who promised great commercials that would help her win. Instead, they’ve turned out dreck! Witchiepooh has yet to run a single positive commercial telling the […]

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Monday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on October 25, 2010 1 Comment

It’s the week before Election Day and some folks are getting desperate and paranoid. Today’s winner thinks there’s an evil plot by the President to get your personal information. Yes, those wacky, paranoid, idiots over at resistnet.com (you know, the ones that want to round up illegals and shoot them from the backs of pick-up […]

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Take The Elitism Test!

Filed in National by on October 25, 2010 31 Comments

Take the elitism quiz!

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Thursday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on October 21, 2010 2 Comments

Ah, another day, another teabagger being named Asshat of the Day. Today, we bring you Keith Rothfus, who’s running for Congress against Democratic incumbent Jason Altmire in Pennsylvania’s 4th District. Rothfus has a solution to deal with Supreme Court decisions he doesn’t like. If elected, he’ll defund the Court. However, Rothfus took his defund-mantra a […]

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Wednesday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on October 20, 2010 24 Comments

Drunk dialing. It’s what someone does when they’ve had one too many. Most of us have done it at one time in our lives, most likely when we were in college. But in a exercise of extreme chutzpah, Virginia Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, decided to call Anita Hill after 19 years […]

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