Tag: Republicans

Republicans Latest Generality Has A Specific Target

Filed in National by on February 25, 2009 27 Comments

Since voting unanimously against the stimulus bill didn’t provide dividends, and actually ended up hurting them in the court of public opinion, Republicans bravely set out to lay another egg.  Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Spending Freeze! Also known as the first shot across the bow of  Healthcare Reform. Do they actually believe […]

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New Poll Suggests Obama Shouldn’t Waste Time On Republican Antics

Filed in National by on February 24, 2009 16 Comments

Another failed Republican strategy? Let’s face it, Republicans aren’t good at subtlety. Did they really believe the American people wouldn’t see their obstructionist tactics as, well, obstructionist tactics? A newly released NYT/CBS Poll spells even more trouble – if that’s even possible – for the GOP. A majority of people surveyed in both parties said […]

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On How Pete Sessions Finds His Party’s Fatal Flaw

Filed in National by on February 8, 2009 22 Comments

…or finds one of them, at least. Last night, the state GOP had their annual pep rally, with keynote speaker Representative Pete Sessions from Texas. According the the NJ reports, there wasn’t much remarkable about the meeting, which included the usual calls for party unity, the usual fawning over Mike Castle (with nudge nudge wink […]

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Keepin’ It Real with the Young Republicans

Filed in National by on February 3, 2009 7 Comments

Get ready to party: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8IPaj91cQE&feature=player_embedded[/youtube]

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This is the PROBLEM – Updated!

Filed in National by on February 3, 2009 19 Comments

How do you justify calling on the Senate to oppose an Economic Recovery Bill that hasn’t even been debated/amended yet? House Republicans are pushing their Senate colleagues to stand unanimously against President Obama’s stimulus package, as they themselves did in the lower chamber last week. “We are urging our Senate colleagues to join every House […]

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Republicans want more Palin

Filed in National by on February 2, 2009 14 Comments
Republicans want more Palin

I’m not kidding.  A new Rasmussen Poll has surveyed Republicans and this is what they’ve discovered: Coming off a shellacking at the polls in November, the plurality of GOP voters (43%) say their party has been too moderate over the past eight years, and 55% think it should become more like Alaska Governor Sarah Palin […]

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UPDATED: The New Face of the GOP

Filed in National by on January 30, 2009 37 Comments
UPDATED: The New Face of the GOP

He won. By my count, former Maryland Lt. Governor Steele needs five more votes, and Michigan GOP chair Saul Anuzis (considered to be a moderate) just dropped out, with 20 votes on the last ballot. Anuzis didn’t endorse, but I’m willing to bet Steele will pick up at least 5 votes out of Anuzis’ 20. […]

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Zero is an Easy Number to Remember

Filed in National by on January 29, 2009 52 Comments

At a time when Americans are looking to their government to do something, doing nothing strikes me as political suicide.  And that’s exactly what Republicans did yesterday – Nothing.  Even worse, they did “nothing” in lockstep. And, no matter how many politicians and pundits they trot out to defend their position only one message will […]

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“Country First” Was Nothing More Than A Political Bumper Sticker

Filed in National by on January 19, 2009 23 Comments

Are there any reasons, other than the purely political, to predict – in some cases gleefully – the failure of an Obama Presidency? I’m serious.  Right now, all of us are facing dire economic times.  If Obama succeeds… don’t we all benefit?  And since he’s been reaching out to everyone for ideas/solutions what does it […]

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The Definition of Hypocrisy

Filed in National by on January 12, 2009 22 Comments

You have to hand it to Republicans, they have no shame. “Congress cannot keep writing checks and simply pass IOUs to our children and grandchildren,” says Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas. House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio: “How much debt are we going to pile on future generations?” Are these people for real?  Where was this […]

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Deliberate Incompetence

Filed in National by on December 15, 2008 20 Comments

I have reached the conclusion that the last eight years weren’t the stumblings of an incompetent frat boy, but rather, a deliberate effort to bring our country to its knees.  I believe what we are witnessing is the Republican version of Tough Love – which might be more accurately described as spousal abuse, as in… […]

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Window Dressing Isn’t Enough

Filed in National by on December 1, 2008 35 Comments

Have Republicans found their Barack Obama in Bobby Jindal?  Some seem to think so.  After all, he’s young (37), not white (Indian), and smart (Rhodes Scholar).  Surely that’s the new winning combination.  And I guess this makes sense for a party who’s struggling to look past the surface.   Youth is the new Republican buzz […]

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What Do You Do With All That Hate?

Filed in National by on November 17, 2008 22 Comments

Throughout September and October as McCain/Palin took the low road, some of their campaign supporters and some participants at their rallies hurled ugly racist words and ideas towards Obama. It was hoped that this fear and hatred started by the Republican candidates (and by proxy their party) would subside. Apparently it has not. The Times […]

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