Tag: Sarah Palin

The upside of sexism

Filed in National by on September 21, 2008 20 Comments

Joe Biden will have to debate Sarah Palin with one arm tied behind his back because… well, she’s a girl. The New York Times has the story. At the insistence of the McCain campaign, the Oct. 2 debate between the Republican nominee for vice president, Gov. Sarah Palin, and her Democratic rival, Senator Joseph R. […]

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Oh, no she didn’t! Palin/McCain

Filed in National by on September 18, 2008 15 Comments

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZKQDyL5gzc[/youtube] Freudian slip?  I think not.

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Filed in National by on September 12, 2008 28 Comments

Seems the honeymoon is over and the MSM is filing for divorce. And from what I’m reading the break up isn’t going to be civil. Paul Krugman, New York Times: Did you hear about how Barack Obama wants to have sex education in kindergarten, and called Sarah Palin a pig? Did you hear about how […]

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McCain/Palin get a spanking from FactCheck.org

Filed in National by on September 11, 2008 13 Comments

How embarrassing!   Be honest… every blogger’s/pundit’s dream is to have FactCheck.org back up your premise. Having them post a full page spread calling you a liar… totally humiliating. 

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You want straight talk? I got some straight talk for ya!

Filed in National by on September 9, 2008 18 Comments

Go Joe! [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijGoISc7vFc[/youtube]   UPDATE: Republican National Committee spokeswoman Amber Wilkerson has a response: “The only person taking a step backward is Joe Biden, whose appalling and arrogant statements are better suited for the back rooms of his old boys club. Sarah Palin’s nomination as the Republican vice presidential nominee is an historic opportunity to […]

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Leave Sarah Palin Alone!

Filed in National by on September 7, 2008 29 Comments

I’m serious. Leave her alone. I know she’s a liberal bloggers dream and the posts write themselves, but we (myself included) need to back off. This election is about McCain. By focusing on Palin we are taking the attention away from the top of the ticket. And I’m beginning to think that’s exactly what the […]

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Did Sarah Palin do what she needed to do?

Filed in National by on September 4, 2008 118 Comments

I have no doubt that Palin’s speech last night fired up the Far, Far Right, but how did it play with the middle? And, let’s face it, this election will be determined by Independents and Moderates. So, did Palin draw them in or turn them off? She had another task last night. She had to […]

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It’s Judgement, stupid

Filed in National by on September 2, 2008 24 Comments

John McCain’s VP pick says more about John McCain than Sarah Palin. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYFkR8zYiBw[/youtube] To paraphrase Paul Begala… As Democrats we are thrilled with the Sarah Palin pick.  As Americans we should be terrified.

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