You want straight talk? I got some straight talk for ya!

Filed in National by on September 9, 2008

Go Joe!



UPDATE: Republican National Committee spokeswoman Amber Wilkerson has a response:

“The only person taking a step backward is Joe Biden, whose appalling and arrogant statements are better suited for the back rooms of his old boys club. Sarah Palin’s nomination as the Republican vice presidential nominee is an historic opportunity to break the highest glass ceiling. While John McCain and Sarah Palin continue to press their message of change, Joe Biden should stop these sorts of old-style attacks.”

Back rooms? Boys clubs? Glass ceiling? Got any more cliches and faux outrage?

Oh, and I love the line… While John McCain and Sarah Palin continue to press their message of change.

Don’t back down, Joe. Expose them for what they are!

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About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (18)

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  1. Truth Teller says:

    It’s ashame that Obama doesn’t have the guts and experience that Joe has. Obama is being SWIFT BOATED and doesn’t realize it. By the way a column in today’s Washington Post by Richard Cohen a must read

  2. TT, you really need to get over yourself. Have you forgotten? I lost to Obama – a candidate that no one took seriously before Iowa. You’re in danger of doing the same thing again. Forget the popular vote. Didn’t we learn in 2000 that the popular vote doesn’t matter? Look at the States that matter.

    Please, let this bitterness go. My question to you is this: What have YOU done to help Obama? Have you canvassed neighborhoods? Have you registered new voters? Have you even done the bare minimum and donated 25.00?

    In essence, have you done one thing to help Democrats? Have you convinced one person to support Obama? Or… have you just sat back, spouting doom and gloom, all ready to say “I told you so”?

  3. mike w. says:

    Straight talk? Biden sidestepped the question like an expert politician.

  4. DavidV says:

    Come on Mike, the question never should have been asked. There was no “right” way to answer it. It is a question we will here over and over again in an attempt to corner the Dems as arrogant “boys club” chauvinists.

    She is a huge step backwards for the country.

  5. JohnnyX says:

    It’s a ridiculous question in the same vein as “When did you stop beating your wife?”

    If he says it’s a step forward, then people say – look, even Joe Biden thinks you should vote for McCain/Palin so we can step forward with a woman VP. If he says it’s a step backward, they say look – Joe Biden is a chauvanist woman hater, you should vote for McCain/Palin to prove him wrong.

    I actually think he gave a pretty decent answer considering the question.

  6. Umbiba says:

    “Got any more cliches and faux outrage?”


    Obama has no executive experience = people don’t like him because he’s black.

    Obama is a just a cult of personality = people don’t like him because he’s black.

    Obama won’t stand up to dangerous world leaders = people don’t like him because he’s black.

    Obama will tax the citizens out of their pants = = people don’t like him because he’s black.

    Obama is on the wrong side of moral issues = = people don’t like him because he’s black.

    Wait a minute, Obama’s black????

    Faux outrage indeed…..

  7. Sharon says:

    Well, of course having a woman elected to high office is a step backward! I mean, the measure of advancementis 2 men telling women which man they should vote for. Because, you know, there’s nothing sexist in calling a veep candidate “Caribou Barbie” or questioning whether she’s a fit mother because she’s running for VPOTUS or talking about VPILF. Those things are great steps forward for gender equality.

  8. Sharon says:

    Are you gonna link to the clip of Biden asking the guy in the wheelchair to stand up? That Joe Biden is great for your ticket!

  9. mike w. says:

    “Well, of course having a woman elected to high office is a step backward! ”

    Of course that’s only the case if she’s a Republican. If she’s a Democrat it’s the greatest advancement for women in political history.

  10. Jo Ann says:

    Sarah Palin is a liar and a nit-wit. I’m starting a new blog called That stands for White Women Who Know A Nit Wit When They See One. We will expose her ignorance and her arrogance and laugh at her dyed hair and teeny-bop outfits. First question: Don’t they have condoms in Alaska, Sarah sweetie?

  11. Sharon says:

    Oh, yeah. There’s not a single sexist thing in any of that. Keep it up!

  12. pandora says:

    Keep it up, or what??? Pro-choice women will flock to Palin?

    Newsflash: And I don’t really like this truism, however… women are much harder on other women.

  13. Jo Ann says:

    Dear Sharon and Pandora, news flash! I have every intention of keeping it up. Palin is a nit wit. I know a nit wit when I see one — male or female. She is a straw lady. She is a cheap imitation of Miss Piggy. In fact I think that will be my new name for her — Miss Piggy. Dyed hair, too flashy clothes, praises ignorance like it was virtue, demeans women by denying us the right to choose, demeans the mentally retarded by denying them services, ignorant about the immoral war in Iraq. God loves us all, even Miss Piggy. I bet her favorite shade of lipstick is Midnight fuschia, for “Moi, Moi, Moi”

  14. pandora says:

    Jo Ann, LOL! You are too funny. Linking me and Sharon on ideology? I do invite you to explore this site and get to know us better.

    BTW, welcome!

  15. Jo ann,

    You aren’t telling Pandora anything she doesn’t know. I think you lumped her in with the wrong wing nut…

    She is “one of us” so to speak

  16. Truth Teller says:

    As you said you lost to Obama but now he is being SWIFT BOATED and doesn’t seem to know how to fight back we watched him whine during the primaries and now he seems to be whining again . his speech before the VFW was the worst yet. We need a person like HC who knows how to kick ass. Today instead of talking about the real issues we are talking about lipstick on a pig. he must learn that the Repuks don’t give a damn about what the NYT or MSM say about them they just keep repeating the same lies and the polls reflect that folks are buying it. look you guys gave us him with your Obama Obama songs now win this election and have him stop acting like John Kerry. Bush came into office in 2001 and dismantled everything Clinton got done . What did it get us 911 a war in Iraq and banks failing everyday and more jobs overseas and unemployment at a all time high and mountians of debt these are the issues lets get down to it. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

  17. anon says:

    Lipstick on a Pig! Women don’t have equal pay for equal work and lipstick on a pig is the daily mantra!

    Palin is lipstick on a pig~ for delivering one liners for the dumbed down women working two jobs, and earning less money!

    What will Palin’s salary be if elected VP..50cents on the dollar?

    Republicans have no issues or solutions. Rove’s one liners distract the voters from the issues, while the pick pockect steals our money.

    How do they keep a straight face, 8 years of failed policy by the same failing policy makers?

  18. Truth Teller says:

    You are so right they are the issues Obama and Biden and the rest of the Dem’s better get their asses out there and hit the folks with them every day. For we can’t depend on the MSM to do it. Obama has to learn that this is a mud fight kick bite steal and most of all LIE people hated the Clinton’s for it but that’s how we got a two term President for the Dem’s the first since FDR