Final Predictions

Filed in National by on September 9, 2008

We have all had a chance to absorb turnout, some ancedotal evidence, some exit polls, etc.  What are your final predictions for tonight? Mine are:

Markell 52, Carney 48

Reed 55, Weldin Stewart 39, Savage 6

Northington 42, Hartley Nagle, 40, Miller 18

Gordon 51, Coons 49

Clark 52, Dunn 48

And the Republican nominee for Governor will be….

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    Early reports are saying that Northington is doing well. Also hearing that about Protack. That would be interesting. I hope you’re wrong about the Clark/Dunn race. Go Bill!

  2. jason330 says:

    I think you are going to be wrong about Northington. I don’t think he made a very big mark and KHN has name rec from last time. She has also been able to piggyback on the Gordon/Carney train. [If she wins here is to hopeing that she takes a hunk of meat out of Castle’s leg by Nov 4.]

    Gordon: I hope you are wrong on that one as well – but you might be right.

  3. jason330 says:

    BTW – Are you in Wilmington DD? Is it raining?

  4. Badmon3333 says:

    I’m going 54 percent for Markell.

  5. I’d like to invite everyone to check in with the Countian Web site for primary coverage and reaction from local and (hopefully) statewide candidates. I’ll also be checking in here throughout the evening for voter reaction.


  6. anon says:

    carney 51/markell 49




    I guess Coons..

  7. delawaredem says:

    Thanks Patrick. We will.

  8. delawaredem says:

    Jason, I am in Philly right now about to leave for Wilmington. It is not raining here, but I have no idea about home.

  9. pandora says:

    It was raining in Wilmington around 2:45, and has now stopped (3:30). When I picked the kids up from school I did a little recon. The turn-out at Parkview (18th and Broom) is brisk, but the turn-out at P.S. duPont Elementary is nuts. Jerry Northington was at P.S. duPont greeting people.

    Not sure what this means, but the city council race seems particularly hot.

  10. rsmitty says:

    Donviti, in a landslide.

  11. Joanne Christian says:

    Don’t you mean Donviti in a Jello slide?

  12. rsmitty says:

    Ew, no. I wouldn’t do that to jell-o. Somebody, think of the jell-o!

  13. liz allen says:

    Karen will win on her own not on the coat tails of anyone. But we will see at the end of the day! PS dupont was the place to be, where KHN has been all morning…latecomers Northington and Miller arrived just after it was announced where the real action was. She is doing very well in Kent and Sussex as well.

  14. delawaredem says:


    Let me ask you a question. How are you and KHN going to handle unifying the party behind Karen? You and her other supporters on DL have been very hostile to anyone not supporting Karen in the primary. You have accused us of stealing her signs, for vandalizing her car and….somehow…infecting her computers with a computer virus.

    You have been very demeaning to Jerry Northington.

    So if you win, how will you convince me to vote for Karen? Because, I can tell you, right now, I will not vote for her in the general BECAUSE of your behavior.

  15. pandora says:

    True, DD. I’m feeling the same way. Guess I can relate to Hillary supporters. There’s gonna have to be a whole lot of wooing going on!

  16. delawaredem says:

    Indeed. How ironic. I like to think that I, as an Obama supporter, did not behave horribly, but I know some did, just as some Hillary supporters behaved horribly. But after the primary was over, I made sure to basically beg for her supporters to vote for Obama, on bended knee.

    I just cannot see Liz doing that.

  17. vyllyness says:

    How do you forsee a Protack win? I don’t get it…

  18. Joe M says:

    Because Bill Lee doesn’t actually exist

    And it’s fun to write the word “Pornstache”

  19. cajun says:

    I live in Lower – Slower and have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by the turnout at my polling place this morning.
    This is the first primary when I wasn’t the only voter in the hall.
    Nice to see people engaged.

    For what it’s worth.

  20. Pandora says:

    Cajun, it’s worth a lot!

  21. Benjamin says:

    So what is planned for those of us from out-of-state to follow the results on the blog ?
    Is there a liveblog of some sorts or are you all out partying ?

  22. Pandora says:

    We’ll be at the candidates’ headquarters and will post from there! Stay tuned!

  23. Al Mascitti says:

    I would not want to be guilty of blogrolling, so I won’t mention the broadcast news organization with the most people on the street and in the HQs.

  24. Anon says:

    I would not want to be guilty of blogrolling, so I won’t mention the broadcast news organization with the most people on the street and in the HQs.


  25. LOL, we wish. I heard Peter MacArthur run down the list of WDEL folks on the street and I am jealous!

  26. FSP says:


    Don’t start that.

    For the record, I like Al, Rick & Allan a lot.

  27. Al Mascitti says:

    I said “broadcast” on purpose.

  28. Gharmon says:


  29. Nancy Willing says:

    So if you win, how will you convince me to vote for Karen? Because, I can tell you, right now, I will not vote for her in the general BECAUSE of your behavior.
    Predictably, after publically advising KHN to dump Liz like a hot potato, my inbox has been full of Liz’s vile messages.
    I maintain that Liz is incapable of figuring out what kind of lasting damage she has done here and elsewhere. If KHN continues to “let her loose” against Castle with the kinds of barrel-scrape Liz typically employs, Liz will enrage enough voters to lift Castle inspite of her ‘intentions’.
    Castles numbers are still very favorable inasfar as he is a beloved former governor. The polling showed that close to 70% of the people contacted still like Castle but are either willing to to vote the DEM no matter what or are as yet undecided. If KHN doesn’t muzzle her friend for her own good, a lot of hard work will probably go down the drain.

  30. Nancy Willing says:

    Ghar my boy, it isn’t over for the county executive. There was so much uncovered in the past few weeks that prove that Coons is a major scum-bag that there is a small army of people who are not going to sit back and let the county go to hell on his watch.

  31. Gharmon says:

    Sour grapes Nance–you tried to drag Chris through the mud and failed miserably. The numbers clearly show that the voters are not swayed by outrageous negative attacks.

  32. delawaredem says:

    Truly Nancy. Do you want me to employ the same sour grapes against your candidate, Karen Hartley Nagle.

    Your and Liz’s behavior against Coons and in support of your candidate does not bode well for party unity. You both suck at it.

  33. Nancy Willing says:

    Coons shit needs to get out for our own good. Not sour grapes, people.
    Your stupidity over protecting some party golden boys and your distain for the others makes you look like complete idiots in many eyes. Castle=Carper=Minner=Carney=Coons=Denn=Clark=Party HIGH DEMs
    Remove the blinders and wake up.

    Gordon didn’t pay any attention to my advice on a good many levels. Too bad.
    What was uncovered about Coons was too late to do any good for the election but there isn’t any reason to not keep going after the corruption in county hall.

  34. delawaredem says:


    Now you are a fucking liar. I am protectng the same party golden boys, and I disdain others?

    Have you even been paying attention?

    Go fuck yourself.

  35. delawaredem says:

    And Nancy, you lose ALL, and I mean ALL credibility you may have in opposing Coons because he may be allegedly corrupt because you supported Tom Gordon.

    I will not take your insane lecture on corruption when you defend a literal criminal.

  36. cassandra_m says:

    The thing is that Gordon might be able to earn back much of his reputation if he can prove his allegations (with sources and data) against Coons in an effort for good county government. But he really has to stop the whispering campaign via his acolytes and step up with real data. But from what I’ve seen, I expect that sources and data aren’t going to materialize and his acolytes will continue to mistake their well-tended grievances for real facts.

    Chris Coons is not a perfect guy and if there are real issues in his administration, then get that out there in some credible way. Otherwise Tom Gordon is still a corrupt pol who couldn’t convince 65% of NCC voters that he wasn’t.

  37. delawaredem says:

    If there is no data, and indeed, the allegations are proven wrong, and yet these acolytes (i.e. Liz Allen and Nancy Willing) continue their whispering campaign here and elsewhere, then aren’t they to be called liars?

  38. cassandra_m says:

    The whispering campaign is not just here on the blogsphere — I heard quite abit of the crapola offline by folks who were trying to influence votes.

    But yes, those who continue the whispering with no real data can certainly be called liars. And they’d be alot smarter to not let Gordon get them into that position.

  39. Nancy Willing says:

    Jesus fucking christ. Coons is the ultimate golden boy and his shit will hit the fan. DelDEM, you can hissy fit all you want but you will choak on Coons-related bile eventually.
    By the way….
    I am not Liz Allen and I resent being thrown in with her shitpile. I don’t support her politics but I have been getting a first hand look at the Coons corruption four years before I ever met Tom Gordon. So shove it, asshole.
    God what a tool.