Tag: Steve Tanzer

“Who Am I?”

Filed in National by on October 22, 2012 17 Comments

I oppose civil unions, both generally and specifically (SB 30).”

“I support the strengthening and maintaining marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and not redefining or adding to man/woman marriage.”

“I oppose adding ‘gender identity or gender expression’ to the protected classes in Delaware’s anti-discrimination laws for housing, employment, and public accomodation.”

“I support prohibiting coverage for abortion in the state insurance exchanges mandated by the new federal health care law.”

“I oppose using tax payer money to fund Planned Parenthood and other organizations that provide abortion services.”

“I support a policy that ensures parental guardian notification prior to the introduction or instructional use of classroom curriculum or materials, whether brought or introduced by school educators, administrators, and officials, or by guests invited at their request, which involve human sexual education, human sexuality issues, sexual acts, family planning, profanity, drugs or alcohol.”

“Last, but not least, I support a Delaware Marriage Protection Amendment defining marriage between a man and a woman in the state constitution.”

“Now, there will be some among the pro-gay and pro-abortion crowd who will claim that I support them and do not support these Christian common sense principles. Some may even say that I’ve told them that I support them. I am here to set the straight by proving, once and for all, what I stand for.”

“When the good folks at the Delaware Family Planning Council and Delaware Strong Families sent out their questionnaire for the 2012 elections, many legislators refused to respond. But I didn’t hesitate. I believe in strong families, and I am proud to make my beliefs public.”

“I note that some of you out there are skeptical that these are my real positions on these issues. While I believe that I’ve earned your trust over the past years, I will spell it out for you non-believers. Directly from the questionnaire (it’s a PDF file, so feel free to tagg along):

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Q: Is Cathy Cloutier Pro-Choice Or Anti-Choice? A: BOTH!

Filed in National by on October 10, 2012 14 Comments

Some things I simply cannot make up. I’ve written for some time that Cathy Cloutier has no core convictions or beliefs, and I’ve written that she will say anything to anybody (usually in ‘confidence’, as in ‘nudge-nudge, I’m really a Democrat’) to get their vote.

I have now discovered that Cathy Cloutier has  somehow been endorsed both by Planned Parenthood of Delaware and the virulently anti-choice A Rose and A Thorn Prayer. You can’t earn Planned Parenthood’s endorsement if you oppose choice, and you can’t earn A Rose & A Prayer’s endorsement if you support choice. (Captain Obvious.)

Let me just say that I consider this to be an ideological impossibility…unless someone responds to two different questionnaires in diametrically-opposite fashion.

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A ‘Must-Listen’ Al Show On Tuesday!

Filed in National by on October 8, 2012 9 Comments

Cathy Cloutier came on the Al Mascitti Show Monday to ‘set the record straight’ concerning my claims that, not only hadn’t Cloutier earned the trust of the LGBT community, she had betrayed that trust. At least twice, by my account.

(For the uninitiated, Cloutier’s campaign signs read “She’s Earned Our Trust”).

For the first time for most people, an entire radio audience was exposed to someone who is incapable of thinking on her own, and someone who, even after 14 years in the Delaware General Assembly, is the proverbial deer in the headlights. Oh, and she dissembled and, yes, lied.

You really ought to listen to the WDEL podcast

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Unrequited Love: Dennis P. Williams Dumps KWS…

Filed in Delaware by on September 10, 2012 18 Comments

from his sample ballot. The rest of the Gordon/Williams/Bullock team remains, along with Charles Potter and Trippi Congo, but KWS is conspicuous by her absence.How do I know? I’ve got a proof of the ballot.

She’s still in league with Gordon and Bullock, however, and the three of them have ponied up $$’s to have the Construction/Building Trades unions pass out lit at the polls. Which, BTW, is a total waste of resources. Except for the union guys pocketing the chump change.

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‘Bulo On Al’s Show

Filed in National by on January 16, 2011 7 Comments

I’ll be appearing on the Al Mascitti Show tomorrow, Monday, January 17.  I’ll be talking about the Delaware General Assembly and presumably any matters dealing with state politics and government. Al’s show is on from 9 am to 12 noon every weekday on WDEL-1150. I’ll be on at 10 am. Please call with any questions. […]

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