Tag: Ted Kaufman
Super PACs Make a Corrupt System Even More Corrupter
Senator Ted Kaufman writes in today’s Opinion pages about how the Super PACs corrupted the Republican primary this year.
We Will Miss Ted Kaufman
Ted Kaufman is leaving the Senate, but not leaving public service all together. He’s been chosen as the new head of the Bailout Oversight Committee.
Kaufman’s Amendment To Break Up “Too Big To Fail” Banks Fails
Senator Kaufman’s amendment to break up “too big to fail” banks was defeated yesterday.
Run, Ted, Run!
Joan Walsh over at Salon.com has been delighted listening to our Senator become one of the leading voices on banking reform. And she wants him to run. Ms. Walsh is late to the party here, but she’s got it right (mostly):
Shitty Deal
For a second time yesterday, all the Senate Republicans + Ben Nelson were able to block the financial regulation reform bill from coming to a vote in the Senate. On the same day, however, Goldman Sachs was busy giving an assist to financial reform by getting grilled by a Senate committee. Carl Levin chewed up […]
A Tale of Two Senators
I don’t know if you caught the story in the News Journal this morning featuring the work that Senator Kaufman is doing on financial reform. He talks passionately about dismantling Too Big To Fail and reinstating much of the Glass-Steagall act. By contrast, Tom Carper (the one we are stuck with) is already back-pedaling on […]
Tornoe’s Toon: Kaufman’s Baton

If you’d like to contact me, feel free to drop me a line at robtornoe@delawareliberal.net. You can also follow me on twitter @RobTornoe. And make sure you pick up The Community News, The Dover Post, The Middletown Transcript or any of the Dover Post papers throughout the state to check out my cartoons every week.
Senator Ted Kaufman Discusses Bank Reform on NPR
John Manifold points to this in the Open Thread and I heard it just abit ago in the car. Man, is he ever good. Dismantling Too Big to Fail needs to be a priority. Give a listen — it’s about 5 minutes long:
Senator Kaufman Takes On Wall Street
Senator Kaufman is delivering a speech today in favor or financial reform. All I can say is wow, you go Ted! Mr. President, last Thursday, the bankruptcy examiner for Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. released a 2,200 page report about the demise of the firm which included riveting detail on the firm’s accounting practices. That report […]
Kudos to Senator Kaufman!
The Huffington Post reports the Senator as being the 34th supporter of passing the public option via reconciliation:
Warm Up Your Dialing Fingers
Next week President Obama will convene his bipartisan health care summit. It’s expected that sometime in next few days, the Senate bill + reconciliation sidecar will be introduced. The reconciliation bill is to correct some of the issues that the House had with the Senate bill. We don’t know exactly what’s in it but it’s […]
Ted Kaufman, Rock Star?
Things I learned today when reading the New York Times article that featured Senator Ted Kaufman. Kaufman has reached rock-star status among Senate professional staff On a weekly basis, recognizes superior work by federal employees That I am sadden he’s not running for re-election in 2010
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