Friday’s Asshat of the Day

Filed in National by on October 1, 2010

There should be no doubt who today’s winner is. This guy really stepped on his dick – and I’m here to circumcise it.

As UI commented today on the Open Thread, Rick Sanchez made some very anti-Semitic remarks about Jon Stewart and Jews in general. He repeated that canard that we own the media. I’m surprised that he didn’t throw in the banks as well, because it’s a well known fact with those of his ilk, that we also control the banks and Wall Street. And he’s paid with his job. I’m sure he’ll find a home over at FAUX News.

Now, don’t go screaming about how this violated his First Amendment rights. His firing didn’t. When you’re in a position of authority or a newsperson and you make racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic or bigoted remarks, you should be prepared to pay the price. Maybe that asshat of an assistant Attorney General in Michigan will pay the same price.

Adios, Rick Sanchez, you are our Asshat of the Day.

About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

Comments (23)

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  1. a. price says:

    THEY FIRED HIM? awesome! ( i just hope the head of CNN is a goy)

  2. dana garrett says:

    Good riddance.

  3. Sanchez says, in the hideous words of Glenn Beck, “Good bye CNN, Hello Fox!”

  4. jason330 says:

    I hate the way liberals are so prejudiced against idiotic fucktards like Sanchez. Where is the open mindedness that we are supposed to be so famous for?

  5. I’m pretty sure we’re licensed to be open minded strictly to Semites and non-whites. I gotta dig out the paperwork.

  6. CNN fired Sanchez really quickly, yet Lou Dobbs worked for CNN for a decade and they still pay Erick Erickson.

  7. Whybother says:

    Will I be banned from this blog if I say I think he had a point?

  8. Boxwood says:

    I think Sanchez knew he was being let go from CNN before he vented on the radio. He’ll be much happier working at Univision but he needs to brush up on his espanol first.

  9. a. price says:

    what was his point whybother?

  10. Miscreant says:

    “Will I be banned from this blog if I say I think he had a point?”

    I’ve found them to be very tolerant and respectful of other people’s perspectives. Hey, they haven’t banned me, yet, and you wouldn’t believe the shit I’ve said. Just try not to use the terms “man pants” and “Jason330” in the same sentence.

    “I hate the way liberals are so prejudiced against idiotic fucktards like Sanchez. Where is the open mindedness that we are supposed to be so famous for?”


  11. Whybother says:


    You seem to be implying that working at Univision is a step down from working at CNN. Is this because you have a low opinion of Mexicans? It appears to me that you’re an anti-mexicanite, and you associate working at Univision as somehow less prestigious than working at a “white” network like CNN.

    Here’s the truth. I believe what Sanchez said contains an element of truth. Right wing commentators ROUTINELY use coded racism against blacks and latinos that would never, for a SECOND, be tolerated if it were used towards the Jews. Do you remember when Rush did his little parody “Barack the magic negro”? Do you really think if he’d done a song called “Bernie the magic jew” he’d still be on the air? The truth is, criticism or stereotyping of just about any group, be it democrats, republicans, christians, muslims, europeans, socialists, communists, mexicans, whatever is not usually a fire-able offense. Innuendo against those groups is generally OK, to a point, and even if you cross the line (aka Imus and his nappy headed ho comments), you’ll still be able to get back on the air at some point. But not if you have anything to say about the Jews. If you have anything bad to say about the jews, or Israel, the response is holocaust and the discussion is over. Nevermind the fact that ethnic cleansing is happening in Israel RIGHT NOW. Nevermind the fact that there’s some 1 million dead in the wars with Afghanistan and Iraq.

    See, here’s the thing. If you want people to stop believing that there’s a jewish stranglehold on the media, you’re going to have to report the FACTS about Israel and the settlements, and the refuges, and the political prisoners. And the atrocities. The war crimes.

    This is the attitude of the Israeli army:

    For those that don’t bother to click on the link, it portrays a pregnant Arab woman in the crosshairs of a rifle sight with the caption “one shot, two kills”. It was made and worn by Israeli soldiers. Consider for a moment, how you would feel if this image depicted a jewish woman with the same caption, made by the Nazi army. Eliminationist rhetoric sure is a hell of thing eh?

    And what percentage of Americans have ANY idea that their tax dollars go to support this sort of thing? WHERE IS THE COVERAGE OF THIS IN US MEDIA SOURCES? Completely. Fucking. Absent. But you know what Paris Hilton’s been snorting, huh? Don’t you ever get tired of being treated like a bleating lamb?

    So I’ll tell you what. When the media stops ignoring things like this, when they stop portraying Israel as a benevolent yet eternally victimized innocent, in spite of the fact that they continually expand their borders, practice collective punishment, and pretty much act like freaking Nazis, THEN, AND ONLY THEN, will you have a reason to act outraged when someone says what Sanchez said.

  12. Whybother says:

    Hah! I typed out a long post and now for the first time it’s having trouble posting! I guess it needs to be read over before it’s deemed “acceptable” for this community. But yeah, Sanchez is completely and utterly delusional. There’s no control over the media in this country. Perish the thought!

  13. Whybother says:

    How interesting. I still am unable to post what I had wanted to because the blog says that I’ve already posted it. Yet it doesn’t show up in the comments! I guess it’s just a big coinquidink, and completely unrelated to the subject matter, which is critical of Israel, which of course would never be censored, because zionists exert no undue control of the media whatsoever!

  14. Whybother says:

    You know what? Why don’t you (whoever is stopping my comment from being posted), allow it to be posted and let the readers of this blog judge for themselves whether or not it’s inflammatory and racist.

    I guess it’s because you don’t believe in free speech, or the answer to bad speech being more free speech. For the record (and you’ll have to trust me on this fellow readers, since the publishers of this blog won’t ALLOW you to read my post), I did not use any derogatory or racist terms. I merely pointed out how the coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is portrayed in a way that is biased towards the Israeli perspective in “our” country, and that this undoubtedly provides ammunition to those that believe that jews control the media.

  15. Whybother says:

    This is the image I’ve tried to link to several times and post on this blog and been mysteriously denied each time, even though despite all the shit I’ve said in the past I’ve never not had a post go through. This is the limits of discussion that’s allowed on Delaware Liberal. Trust the people that decide what you can or cannot think about at your own peril.

  16. MJ says:

    I love it when Chai Tea Express lefteabaggers make fools of themselves.

    Hey asshole, most all blogs are set up with safeguards to prevent malware from infecting servers. Instead of accusing the editors of DL of censorship, did you ever think that, hmmm, the link you supplied might be considered spam? No you didn’t. Typical. Just cry censorship. FAIL.

    Now, here’s some advice, if you want to blog about Israel 24/7, 365, go start your own blog. You rantings here are getting BORING, much like you.

  17. Whybother says:

    Yo Mj, I dare you to address any of the issues I’ve raised without making personal attacks. The sad thing is you can’t do it because I think you know you’re full of shit. Can you even admit that coverage of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict in this country is biased, or does that make one a screaming conspiracy theorist too?

  18. MJ says:

    WB – you’re entitled to your opinion, but to say that the media is controlled by Jews just shows how much of a fucktard you really are. I’m sick and tired of you and those like you blaming everything on the Jews who control the banks, the media, and the government.

    You want to control what you see on television new, go buy a fucking network. If you don’t like what you’re viewing, turn the channel or file a complaint with the FCC the next time your local station’s license comes up for renewal.

    And while you’re at it, how about a mea culpa for accusing the editors of this blog for censoring you, when in fact, nothing of the sort happened.

    So, in ending, all I have to say to you is go fuck yourself.

  19. Whybother says:


    I didn’t say that they controlled the media, the banks, and the government. I said that I agreed that Sanchez had a point about it being somewhat comical to refer to Jews as an oppressed minority, when they clearly have a significant amount of power and control. I also said that one of the reasons that people have the perception that Jews control the media is the complete and utter lack of perspective people have on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, BECAUSE the media won’t touch the issue in any meaningful way.

    As for apologizing for accusing the editors for censoring me…the only post I’ve ever made on here that didn’t post was the above one. I think that’s a little bit weird. It could be a coincidence, I honestly don’t know. I’m skeptical though, and that in and of itself does not make one a fucktard.

    I think the fact that you mis-characterize my arguments and resort to name calling says more about you than it does about me. I think it’s telling that your solution is not that OUR media do a better job at telling the truth (by law we the people are supposed to own the airwaves), but that I simply go out and buy a network. As if that’s something simple and easy to do.

    Does anything Israel does bother you? It doesn’t concern you that they print up t-shirts glorifying shooting pregnant Arab women? PRO-TIP: answering the question without telling me to go fuck myself, or otherwise insulting me might make your argument stronger.

    Oh, and I notice you COULDN’T admit that the coverage of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict in the country was biased. Funny, that.

  20. MJ says:

    WB – first, you start crying censorship when you drivel didn’t get posted. Besides you, who do you think was up at 2:00 AM reading DL? I can assure you that none of us were. So you know where you can stick your conspiracy theory. And yes, it does make you a fucktard.

    Second, Sanchez made an overt anti-Semitic statement, something you repeated (perhaps not in the same words, but the feeling is there – I can smell an anti-Semite a universe away). What do you do at night? Whack off to your copy of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and then come on here to post your BS?

    Using your reasoning, Oprah Winfrey,Federico Pena, Tim Gill, or any other person who is successful cannot be oppressed because they made it? You really believe that? If you do, then you’re an even bigger fool than you make out to be. Or do you only have a special hate hard-on for Jews?

    I’ve seen many stories on CNN and the NBC Nightly News that have been critical of Israel. You probably missed those because you were too busy to take notice. And I have never hidden my support for the State of Israel on this website. I’ve been critical of the current government, but you’ve probably ignored that. Funny that!

    As I said, if you don’t like what you read in the papers or watch on the news, change the channel and find something that suits your needs. Maybe your time would be better spent perusing the Socialist Workers of America website.

  21. Whybother says:


    I think it’s informative that your reaction to someone with an opposing point of view, or someone that perhaps made the mistake of thinking he was being censored on a controversial issue is nothing but a fucktard. Not a human being, capable of making a mistake, but a fucktard, and that’s it. Why is it so easy for you to classify other people as less than human?

    I think it’s pretty ironic that someone that can so easily classify other people as less than human would claim also to be completely free of any inkling of racism whatsoever. We’re all racist to some degree, it’s our better angels that allow us to rise above those impulses.

    No, I don’t wack off to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, thank you for asking.

    I agree that without a doubt, there’s disgusting and vile hatred of jews, blacks, arabs, mexicans, homosexuals, orientals, and just about every ethnic group out there. I don’t think that the success of any of those groups necessarily invalidates any of the racism towards those groups. I do feel, however, that an individual races’ success can effect the level to which said race is oppressed. I don’t think being jewish is a detriment to finding a job in the media to the degree that being arabic would be, just as I don’t think being white would be the same detriment to finding a job in the CIA that being arabic would be. In short, shit is complicated.

    As for your past criticisms of Israel, you probably have a point. I have only been reading this blog for the past month so if you’ve posted things critical of Israel I’ve not seen them. I’ll take you at your word that you have.

    And what’s wrong with the Socialist Workers of America? God forbid we should have 35 hour work weeks, pensions, and vacation time…

  22. MJ says:

    “I think it’s informative….”

    Can’t you say anything else? Do us a favor, go away. You’re a bore and not worth responding to.

  23. Whybother says:

    Classy as always my friend.